18: I Admit

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               I used up all the remaining hours until dismissal to ponder Minjeong’s condition. Though it may seem that the easiest route was to give my consent and get it over with, you could never know what was going on inside her head. She was a closed book that I could never read and the things she would do if I allowed her to do anything she wanted was quite worrying.

               No, not those things.

               When she said I wouldn’t have to worry about that, I believed her.

               She didn’t even need to assure me.

               I knew she wouldn’t do such a thing.

               What I was worried about was way worse.

               Just thinking about it was enough to send shivers down my spine.

               Minjeong was more than capable of doing that and it was highly possible that she would if given a chance.

               In the end, I decided it was best to hear the details first before I make up my mind.

               “So, you are going to room 411,” Aeri said as we were walking along the deserted hallway of the fourth floor of the building. “That’s the office of the student council.”

               The majority of the classrooms here were empty since we, third years were assigned on the third floor. The second years were on the second floor and the first years were on the first floor. The only classes that were being held on here were the make-up sessions for a subject one did poorly on.

               “Minjeong asked me to meet her there.”

               I somehow found myself having a wild imagination about an apparition of a dead person appearing in one of the windows of these classrooms with a scary face.

               The thought made me inch closer to Aeri.

               I really need to stop watching horror movies.

               “And you agreed?”

               “Why not?”

               “Because the other members could be there too,” she said as a matter of fact. “I thought you don’t want to be seen with her?”

               “Well, she said it is only her and Yizhuo.”

               She suddenly stopped walking, eyebrows furrowed.


               “Yes.” I gave her a weird look. “She’s the secretary, remember?”

               A look of realization crossed her face.

               “I’ll go with you then.”

               “Why?” I squinted my eyes suspiciously. “I thought you are going to play PS5 all day because your precious Sora is finally on Smash Bros.?”

               She avoided my gaze, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly

               “Yizhuo’s there. So, I’m going.”

               Why do I feel like I was missing something here...

               This girl bawled her eyes out both out of happiness and sadness when that Sephi guy was revealed to be on Smash Bros.

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