01: Cunning

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          I had never paid any attention to anything else other than my studies.

          Striving to reach the top had always been in my mind regardless of knowing how futile it was.

          It wouldn't hurt me for trying; that was what I believe and although there were times that I couldn't avoid the disappointment that would sit upon the pit of my stomach, I figured it was normal. That's what made me a human being, after all.

          This changed however, when I first came across Ryujin Kim when I was in fifth grade.

          The me who only had interest in academics found myself crushing on the short-haired girl hard.

          It was inevitable.

          Ryujin Kim was the embodiment of perfection; she was kind, gentle, beautiful, warm, smart, the type that anyone would want to introduce to their parents.

          I never acted on my feelings though and would only admire the girl from afar.

          It was better that way since rumors had it that Ryujin does not date and was totally in love with dancing. Something as trivial as dating was never in her priority list.

          Good for her.

          Bad for me.

          That didn't stop me from supporting her passion.

          I would always watch her dance performances whenever there was an event in our school, cheer her on until my throat hurt, and if I got lucky, I'd be able congratulate her personally wearing the biggest smile I could muster.

          Even though I wasn't getting anything in return from doing it, it didn't matter.

          "You know, if I were Ryujin, I'd be creeped out if I catch you doing whatever you are doing right now." I heard Aeri said while I was busy staring at Ryujin talking with her groups of friends.

          "Thank god you are not her then."

          "Just approach the girl and ask her out for goodness' sake."

          "That's unnecessary. I'm okay with what we have right now," I said, eyes still on the unsuspecting girl.

          "Bitch, you guys have nothing."

          I blinked before shooting her a glare.

          "I know that and I don't care."

          "You don't care about what?" someone chimed in. I didn't even have to check who was it because the smell that invaded my nose was enough to identify the uninvited guest.

          "What are you doing here, Minjeong?"

          "Aw, don't you want to see me?"

          "You know how much I hate that annoying face of yours," I deadpanned. "Why bother asking?"

          "Who knows if you changed your mind about me and finally realized how amazing I actually am." Minjeong turned to Aeri who was watching us amusingly. "Right, Uchinaga?"

          "Well, this friend of mine here still hates the shit outta you, Kim. She's stubborn like that." I threw her dirty looks for her shameless betrayal.

          "That's too bad then." Minjeong shrugged. "Ryujin actually sent me here to give you a message she can't tell you personally. I guess I should get going now."

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