32: I Like You

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               Here’s a confession: there’s hardly any difference going from Winter’s fake girlfriend to whatever this thing we currently had.

               She still behaved toward me the same — well, I guess, minus the subtle caution in her actions before, obviously wary that she’d do something that would make me call the deal off.

               Other than that, it was pretty much how it was.

               If there was someone who was feeling the change in our relationship, it was definitely her.

               I mean, imagine me going from cursing her every time I get the chance, to this — this being wanting to kiss those supple lips as many times as the opportunity allowed me to.

               Though, you really couldn’t blame me.

               Even before this whole change of heart happened, I already find Winter so darn irresistible, and now that I had come to terms with my feelings, there was just no way I could keep my hands to myself. 

               And don’t get me started with her ridiculous tendency to make everything she does, sensual. Seriously, I had absolutely no idea how she even does that.

               In other words, Winter was a walking temptation, and I, for sure, was going to need to cling harder to my crumbling self-control — which she previously claimed to be non-existent — if I want to keep everything between us rated 13. Though, what happened inside the Chemisty Lab was — ehem — far from it.

               A deep shade of red colored my face when I was reminded of what happened inside that room.

               No, we did not do the deed.

               Doing it in school was indecent and uncomforta— no, Jimin, what the hell?

               I shook my head to get rid of improper thoughts.

               Anyway, it was not something that I could easily move on from because even though we had already kissed a few times, that night felt so different

               The way she kissed me with so much fervour, not stopping even though we were already running out of breath.

               The gentle bites and soothing swipes of her tongue on the skin of my neck that elicited quiet moans.

               Burning hands roaming over my body, touching all the right places.

               She even left multiple marks on my collarbones even though I told her not to.

               I guess, I should just be thankful the places were not exposed for everyone’s eyes to feast on.

               She really did not hold back.

               “A penny for your thoughts?”

               Well, speak of the devil.

               I cleared my throat, trying to appear that I wasn’t just reminiscing about our make out session last night.

               “Nothing important, really.” I placed my pen down, tearing my gaze from the Philosophy book that I’d been trying to read and digest for about thirty minutes now here in the library — keyword: trying — to look up at her. “I was just wondering how would our relationship progress from here on, I guess.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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