28.5: KMJ (2)

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               Here’s the thing.

               The actual reason why I proposed the deal to Jimin wasn’t to make her fall for me — instead, it was some sort of a last resort that had been in my mind for years to have her get to know me past my reputation, and see me as who I really was without the prying eyes of the people around us.

               To put it simply, it was an opportunity that I created to at least, prove myself to her; that I was more than what I was known for, and that I was dead serious when I said I was in love with her.

               Yeah, that was all.

               ...okay, I lied.

               Perhaps, I had a minuscule of hope that she would fall for me if we could spend a considerable amount of time alone together without arguing.

               However, was just the nasty part of me that had grown so used to getting anything that I want.

               More than anything, it was completely fine with me if she doesn’t.

               There was nothing more that I could do about it apart from acknowledging my defeat, and hold up my end of the deal as I promised.

               For the first few days, well, how do I say this, I guess I had a feeling that it was going to go nowhere.

               The extent of hatred that Jimin Yoo harbors against me was beyond my expectations.

               One would assume that I had done something unforgivable to her with how hostile she was toward me.

               Those deep pools of brown coffee would always look at me with immense spite that would pierce straight into my heart, making me plunge into a world of torment where I would willingly allow myself to be in if that meant I get to be with her even just for a little while.

               When we had our first date on the outskirts of the city, I purposely provoked her into agreeing to the bet that I had proposed.

               I knew she didn’t know how to ride a go-kart; hell, she didn’t even know how to ride a bicycle, but I kept quiet about it.

               For a good reason.

               I was very well aware that her towering pride wouldn’t let herself appear like a sore loser in front of me.

               Ergo, I took advantage of that knowledge.

               While it was a fact that it was also my first time riding the small vehicle, I was someone who could learn anything by means of observing how people do it once.

               Naturally, she lost.

               Truth be told, I am not very fond of watching her lose against me over and over again.

               It pained me to see her seem so disappointed in herself.

               Then again, I reckon going all out on her was the better choice to make because otherwise, it would be utterly insulting on her part.

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