06: Always

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          There would be a surprise long quiz on one of our subjects later. Our prof wanted to see how much we had learned for the past weeks so she would know exactly what she should focus on to make sure all of us would pass the upcoming term exam.

          A good tactic, if I may say.

          Though, I find the urgency unnecessary.

          The term exam was still a couple of months away. Students shouldn’t be stressing themselves just yet since we were already in our last year of high school where days we could leisurely relax were now numbered.

          Because of that same reason, I was taking advantage of the days where I could visit the music club since the day we would be ordered to quit every extracurricular activity that we were part of was fast approaching.

         That also meant, going back to rigorous practice with my mentor as more often than not, major piano competitions were held a month after the term exam.

          So, yeah.

          The upcoming months were going to be really stressful.

          I glanced at the wall clock hanging above the front door of our room that read fifty minutes after nine o’clock in the morning.

         Ten minutes before the start of the quiz.

          The classroom was unusually serene today for the majority of my classmates had their heads down, notes on their desk to do a last-minute review, while the minority were just chilling or conversing with their cliques about stuff unrelated to school.

          I would be doing the same as the former mentioned above but I had already done some advance reading last night and I wouldn’t want to mix things up in my head so I chose to just assist Aeri who was trying to stuff loads of information into her short-term memory as of the moment because she decided it was best to binge-watch a certain rom-com series on Netflix than be a responsible student.

          Truth be told, Science was not a difficult subject; at least for me. As long as you were interested, read every once in a while, had decent knowledge in Math, and possess a good memory, you wouldn’t have a problem excelling in it.

          “Why do we even need to study if we are all inevitably going to die eventually?” Then she slammed her pen down on her reviewer.

          I found myself grimacing at her sentiments.

          What kind of logic was that?

          This girl I swear to god.

          “Probably so you can outsmart Satan himself once you are sent in the deepest part of hell.”

          She made a face childishly before picking up her reviewer again, albeit unwillingly.

          Aeri could really be a kid one moment, and then be a grandmother the next moment. If that’s a good or bad thing, I had no idea.

          My attention returned in front when our prof finally clapped her hands together indicating the quiz was about to proceed, earning collective groans from my classmates who hesitantly thrust their notes back inside their bags.

          I quickly scanned the contents once I received the questionnaire.


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