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Don't die, I beg of you. I stare at the operation theatre. The way I had to see my boyfriend getting into an accident before my eyes were terrifying. There was blood here and there, and he could not speak a word. I was scared to even slip a tear; I did not know what I should do. I was not ready to lose him in my life. He was my everything. We did not date for eight years, just for him to die and leave.

"I am sorry, he's no more." The doctor's words rang inside my head. I could see nothing. My head started spinning, and I felt like I stopped breathing. I could not understand how I would handle everything. A single teardrop left my face. There were no tears for me to sob. It was. It's yesterday when we both were talking about living with each other eternally, but now he's gone. Forever.

I went home to change my blood-smeared clothes to funeral clothes. I walked towards the fridge, reminiscing about Julian and his death. The moment I took the water bottle, my legs felt weak. I could not stand anymore, I fell and started sobbing my heart out. No one could comfort me. It was just me crying and gasping for air. Julian died, leaving me all alone in this scary world. I did not expect him to die so soon. I thought we would grow together.

x x x

It's been 9 years since Julian died. Lusia looked at the tree of her late boyfriend while putting chrysanthemums before the tree. Julian got buried in a burial pod and got turned into a tree after he passed away. "I am still sorry you have to go elsewhere, but thanks for giving me a lovely child." she smiled while patting Liam. "Did you love dad a lot....?"

"I did.... How can I not give his love back?"

Liam did not speak a word. He never saw his dad before, but he felt like he was next to him. He looked at the soul standing next to him, sobbing. Liam could see souls, but he never spoke to them. He was afraid of the bodiless spirits, but there was a man who kept protecting him from them. Liam never talked to him, but farther down, he knew he was not ill, instead protected him.

Liam always did not have the power to see them, but one day he fell and hit his head. Blood was flowing down. He almost could not live, but at last, he survived. From that day, he could see various souls, from youthful to elderly. He had no friends, as people were doubtful of him, but children's souls became his friends. They used to talk to him and play with him.

Liam never told his mother about him being capable to see them. He never felt like that telling her, as he consistently had protection. Liam knew it was his dad, following him here and there and protecting him from many wrong souls. He didn't miss having his dad near him because Julian was with him. Somehow, he likewise knew that, if he is alive, it is because of him. Julian saved Liam because he knew Lusia could not handle so many deaths.

Liam wanted to talk with his dad, the one crying next to him. He never spoke with him, but he wanted to ask how Julian met his mom. It's somewhat magical, but he wanted to ask. Liam was running and playing, while Lusia leaned her head against the tree, sitting down. Liam looked over to see Julian and Lusia sitting closely, side by side. Only he can see that, but Lusia cannot.

"Mom, come and play with me." Lusia got up while releasing a sigh. "What should I play, my son," He shrugged. "Catch me if you can." Lusia laughed out loud while rolling her sleeves up. "Make sure you don't get caught." Lusia ran after Liam while laughing. Julian was watching everything while chuckling at his family. For a moment, he wondered if he could be alive, so he could hold his son or tell his girlfriend how much he loved her. Julian wondered, if they would marry her or not; he felt like they would be delighted. He sobbed, looking at them.

Julian wanted to breathe again and feel things. His soul could not get any peace, as he had so many things to tell. He could not leave Lusia, not after she gave birth to his child. Julian wanted to protect them, indeed if he would not get peace. Liam was standing before Julian. "You are my dad, but why won't you talk to me?" Julian's eyes widened. "I-I thought I would scare you." He let his head down. "I am not scared... I am alive because of you." Liam sat next to Julian.

"Where is your mom?"

"You mean your wife, right?"

"I never married her. She was my girlfriend, but not anymore, I guess. Did she tell you we got married?"

"She never told me about her love story. All I know is that you are my dad."

"I know, I have constantly been with you, but guess I forgot. Why did she not.....?"

"Talking about you makes her cry,"

Julian did not know what he should say next until he heard Lusia screaming. "Guess she found me. I had to confuse her, so I can talk to you. We shall talk again." Julian's face went deadpan. He could not understand how his 9-year-aged child is sophisticated. Is it because he is not ordinary? Everything felt perplexed. He died in an accident and his child could see him.

Liam never spoke like kids his age, but always sounded mellow and bitter. Julian wondered if it's because of his mom making him read literature books at a, particularly youthful age. To be said she did not make him read them, he wanted to know what she was reading. He got into literature and could memorise everything. For his age, he could not read literature from Jane Austen, but he did. Julian knew he was not strange, but special. Kids should memorise rhymes and kid songs, not reading classic literature.

Soon they reached home, and Liam ran towards his room. Julian followed him, knowing he would want to speak. "Liam, how can you be so mature at your age," Liam turned around facing Julian and chuckled. "I guess I got your intelligence," Julian sat on the bed, "It's not intelligence, I am talking about your emotions....., they differ from others."

"You cannot expect a person who sees souls be as a kid,"

"You started seeing from a few months, but you were way mature even before you got the eye power,"

"I grew up without a dad and had to endure all the bullying from others and mom is depressed, but she does not show it. I know you were there for me, but I never saw you. You showed up recently,"

"I am sad for leaving." Julian let his head down.

"Don't be, 'cause it's not your fault. You did not ask to get hit by a truck." Julian started crying.

"You cry a lot, unlike mom."

"She differs from me..., She's mentally tough, while I am not. Lusia, She can handle everything,"

Liam laughed, "I underestimated you; looks like you knew a lot about her." Julian raised his eyebrows while sniffing. "Of course I do, I am way older than you."

"What's your age....?"

"I died at 29. If I was alive I would be 39,"

"You.........., You would become a respectable father if you were alive, and I realised my mom is going to be 40 shortly."

Julian chuckled, "She has a lot of energy, so she doubtlessly seems younger than her age."

"Can we talk tonight? I want to know about you." Julian nodded but felt kind of bitter. He wanted to give his child a forehead kiss. Liam smiled while jumping around. He's still a kid. What was I thinking? He seems mature but is a child.

Julian looked at his sleeping child and smiled. He seemed content, even if he was not alive. Julian could complete the duties as a father. Julian strode towards Lusia, wanting to see if she was asleep or not. He sat before her as she was awake. Julian desired to confess his love for her or ask him to marry her, as he was about to do 10 years ago, but it was hopeless. She could neither hear him nor see him. It was useless for him to share his feelings with her, as he used to do. Lusia was the only person whom he could talk to without discomfort.

Julian moved closer, trying to caress Lusia, but his attempts failed; he could not help but break out in tears. He wanted to speak with her despite her listening to it or not. "My love, I am sorry for leaving you. You know I did not mean to, but I had no other choice. I was watching Liam, our precious son. I spoke to him, and thus I realised I could not be in this world anymore. I did what I had to do; a dad that was there for his child, even if it's for a few hours. I enjoyed it and now my soul is getting its peace. I don't have further time to be here, in this world. I cannot protect you and him, but I know you are strong and will protect him from anything. Even as a lifeless person, I am crying; speaking my heart out to someone who could not listen to me. I do not have better words to say, except I loved you, I love you and I will love you in the future too. I hope in the next generation, we all can live a lovely life with no deaths, until we get old. Goodbye, my love." Julian vanished, and he was no more on this planet. 

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