4 elements

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It has been 19 years since I was born. Today I became an adult. I relate my full life to the number four. I was born on April 4th which was a big coincidence, but here's the thing; even the timing was 4 pm which is terrifying. My mom had the same powers, but it did not relate her to the number four as I am. All I heard was "you are rare," that's the mere thing my mom told whenever I asked her about powers I had.

My name is Medusa. Why that name? We all know that Medusa was not evil, she was a victim. They turned her into a monster because they molested her at a temple. It was not her fault. My name is Medusa because she used to tell me to fight instead of being defenceless and lean. She wanted me to fight for the world that has many people that were victimised.

My specialty; I could mould water and use it as a weapon, create fire in a snap, control air and I can control anything related to this planet. In words, I might rule this planet. My father never supported me alike when I was youthful. He mistreated my mother and me, but we could do nothing, as he was the elder.

It frustrated me and now I have great anger issues because of him. I hate him. I do not understand why he is like that. I should honour him that his wife is someone that can destroy him in a speck, but my mom was a slave rather than getting herself aside from the toxic relationship.

After I turn into a legal adult, I will run elsewhere, that is what I thought. I made a plan with my mom and ran away. My mom is going to escape from this place and travel around the world. It was always her wish. I am contended that we are leaving this hell, and it's my own life.

Wait, but I have no experience in the true world except anger issues that can make me go insane where I could not control my powers. It is bizarre because of him; I have something so unmanageable.


It's been 2 years since Medusa ran away from her house. It's been wonderful that she learned different things from her mom. They constantly used to email and contact each other. Medusa is lonesome, and she didn't maintain any friends, as everyone feared her.

But her mom went missing, and she did not know where she went. Medusa searched for clues to see where she went. Was she hiding or not? She knew nothing, but this evening there was a letter saying it was her father. Medusa's rage went immense. She could not control herself as she screamed with vengeance.

"I will murder you for doing it to my mom." her voice sounded like that of a monster that was breathing fire. It was magnificent and vigorous. There were no feelings except for anger that could destroy. Medusa ran over to their previous house.

She could not get there any faster, as there was traffic. Even though she has superpowers, she could not fly as it would bring humans attraction. No human should see her, if they did; they might throw her in a lab for experiments and do things you would not imagine.

Soon medusa reached there. He walked inside the house and started searching here and there. She looked at the complete house and could find a trace of anyone inside the house. She stopped searching and screamed in the middle of the house, feeling frustrated by everything. Her dad, who was a sexist, who always tried to silence them by asserting his dominance as a man, which did not sit right with them.

She could not think where he could take her, if it wasn't their home; there has to be some place, or maybe it's not their place, but somewhere else. Medusa started thinking; a place that is important and spiritual and someone that can never find it out.

Medusa started driving, looking for places where she could find. She took her mom's and dad's photo and started searching for them. She looked everywhere and could not find them. It was not going successfully for her as here and there it's blindness. Nobody knows where they are, it's like they become invisible, where none can see them or hear them. Maybe they could hear them, but it's something they can't see.

Medusa's mind stuck while she was looking at the musical's title. It said the unseen. Her mind started flowing with ideas, intrigued ideas that are related to unseen. She kept wondering if maybe someone applied the invisible spell and likewise the silent one, but something seemed off.

Her dad had no powers, but who could have done it if it was not him. Medusa's mind could not decide who could it be. There should have been someone with superpowers, but indeed if they did, they could not be that powerful enough to abduct her mother and put her under a spell. It was odd and intriguing.

Medusa started driving towards their house repeatedly to see if there were any clues. While going over there, she hit a man. "Oh god, I am just so sorry," she ran towards him to find him senseless. There was nobody there except him and her, because she wanted to drive fast and it was a place where no one might come.

Medusa started working on her magic as rapidly as she got the man in her car, trying to heal him. After a while he woke up feeling scared. He tried to move aside from medusa as he thought she was some kind of witch that came to murder him, but she was not.

"Go away!" he screamed at her, making her close her ears.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Look, I treated you. The wound you had got healed. I am a decent person," he started looking at his body, examining it to find any faults, but there was none that he could and medusa turned out to be honest, according to him. He looked at her, not trusting her eventually. "We don't have time for this talk. I am already late."

Medusa drove as quick as she can and, made the man flinch. "What are you doing, slow down," he screamed. "Introduce yourself. I am medusa,"

"It's Jove." Medusa nodded, yet driving her car.

"Where are you going?"

"It's not of your business, but I don't have the time to drop you home."

As medusa reached her home; she looked for clues, where she could find them. Jove was following her without speaking, as he was frightened of her. Her eyes fell on a canvas with her mother and another woman. She knew who it was; it was her aunt. She widened her eyes, knowing who took her mom. There is no one in the world who has powers other than their families. It must be her aunt. That is why her mother could not fight back.

"She's here," medusa mumbled, making Jove confused. "Who?" he questioned. Soon he felt two hands over his neck choking him. He could not speak and could not ask for medusa's help as they turned around. He stumbled into the vase. So she can look backward and watch them. Medusa wanted to turn around at the sound, she realised there was someone behind them. Without turning her head, she bends over to hold the vase. Medusa turned around, hitting behind Jove's head, making her scream.

Medusa took the candle and started pouring the wax on the unseen body, so they could see her. She heard whimpers and screams as she poured the maroon-coloured wax over the invisible body. "I thought it was you," medusa's rage became unmanageable as she knew it was here. Medusa smirked and took the giant sword that was on the wall and cut her legs and hands off. Jove shivered in fear and backed away from both of them.

"I could kill you, but I want to know where my parents are. I know they are here. If you don't tell, I will cut your body into pieces where you could feel everything. I will use my powers to rot you away, as you are still alive so you can see what happened to your precious body. At last alone, your head will be in this world, but I will not let you die so soon. I will rip your tongue away and cut your nose and you will yet be alive, experiencing pain. You know I can do that."

Athena got away from her, screaming in pain. She could do nothing, she had no legs and arms. There was blood ubiquitous, but she was alive because of Medusa's powers. Medusa screamed at her in the creepy voice. "I am not like my mother to handle your bullshit. I am rotten and I will give you the pain you deserve."

"Just kill me already. I will tell you where they are. KILL ME ALREADY, I DON'T WANT TO SUFFER THIS. MURDER ME AND GIVE ME PEACE."

"First you tell where my mom and dad are and you? Hmm, let me think. You will die indeed if you tell where they or not. The choice it not up to you, but me. I will decide what I will do with you."

"Please kill me, medusa. I beg of you, please let me die. Please." she cried out. Soon Athena opened up about her sister- and brother-in-law. Indeed, if she did; Athena could not escape the wrath of medusa. She killed her. 

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