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Chiyo woke up feeling body pains all over her body. She was 20, but her birthday was sheer pain rather than enjoyment. She was alone and didn't have any friends to celebrate with, and Chiyo did not feel like getting out of her bed to celebrate her birthday.

Lazily, she got up to go to the bathroom so she could see her beautiful face. Uh, look how charming I look after I just woke up. She chuckled, feeling like the greatest person on the earth. Chiyo was not a narcissist, but she believed everyone should be sanguine about themselves instead of having low self-esteem. She was all about self love, because love starts from themselves instead of others.

While she was brushing her teeth, an intense light came from her hand, specifically her wrist. It terrified Chiyo, looking at that. Something was forming on her wrist. It was crimson, and it was wrapping around itself. Chiyo screamed, making her mom come inside the bathroom. "What happened, did a burglar break in?" She was holding a baseball bat to hit.

"LOOK AT MY HAND, SOMETHING IS FORMING!" her mom widened her eyes and looked at her, "I see nothing, but does it look red....?"


Chiyo's mom smiled at her bright heartedly, "it's your red string, you found your soulmate just like how I found your father." her mom hugged a terrified Chiyo who was lost in their own world.

"No mom, I don't want a soulmate nor a stranger. This is bullshit."

"Sweety, it's your fate. You need to respect it and have children." Chiyo's face turned misty, and she screamed at her mom. "It's my life. Let me decide it myself and let me find who that idiot is. Bye." Chiyo gave her mom a phony smile and grabbed her half sleeved hoodie and jumped out of the window, making her mom's eyes widen.

Chiyo started running, following the bright light; she could not see the string yet, but what was visible was red light. It was glowing more than she ran to her destination.. Chiyo's heartbeat was increasing as she kept running; it was not because she wanted to be in love with the person, but the excitement to cut the string so she could live her own life.

As she was, Chiyo bumped into a man she knew. "Rowena, can't you watch where you are going."

"Shut up, I am in a hurry." Chiyo's eyes widened as the red string developed and they connected it to the person before her; the man she hated with her whole heart. "It's you." She said, as her face turned cloudy.

The red string developed, and it got tied to their wrist. Rowena was so dumbfounded that he could not scream. His face had no emotions, and his mind was vacant. "Rowena got up. We are in the middle of the road, someone will hit us." Chiyo took his arm and dragged him out of the place.

Chiyo and Rowena sat on a bench and yet could not speak, but soon he started speaking, "why you?" Chiyo rolled her eyes. "I am regretting this too, but let's be mature and talk."

"Mature? Not my ass. How can you be my fate and I am not even attracted to women?"

"I am not attracted to you too, but we need to talk so we can decide on something."

Rowena sighed. "Maybe we should go to my house. It's nice to talk." Rowena had no feelings while he told that and he did not feel like inviting her to his house. He did not want to, but had to, as it was an essential thing.

Soon they were inside Rowena's house. Chiyo sighed as she sat on the couch. "I could not believe we are soulmates."

"Neither me." Rowena made some coffee for both of them and strode towards the couch and sat. They did not speak as they sip the smooth, bitter coffee. "Rowena, how can we take care of this?"

"Maybe we should pour coffee on it, so it burns?" Chiyo nodded while moving aside and poured the coffee on it. The coffee could do nothing. "How did the coffee didn't even mark it? Is the strong coffee phobic." Rowena's voice sounded confused. "Boy, what drugs are you on?" Rowena gasped.

"I don't do drugs."

"Coffee Phobic....? What the hell is that?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should try acid."

"Acid? Are you out of your mind? What if we get hurt?"

"Then let's do nothing. Let's accept it and I think we can still be friends."

Rowena got up and was taking strides around the rooms.

Chiyo sighed, "Maybe we can, but isn't the red string for couples?"

"Right, but how? I am so gay and I have a boyfriend. I can't break up with him because my soulmate is a woman."

"Ooh, no problem. Only you and I can see the red string, not others."

"So you want me to lie? That's cruel. I should tell him."

"You are nicer than I thought."

"You are trashier than I thought."

"Ugh, I cannot be with you. It's pissing me off and couple with someone who doesn't even like me is torture."

"Our partners will be so disappointed if they find out."

Chiyo stayed quiet and felt very nauseous. It felt like everything was coming out. The truth she has been hiding for a while. She looked at Rowena and thought if she could tell him, everything around her was spinning and that man was someone who hated her, but something in her heart said to tell him.

"I... I don't have any partner. Everyone just wants sex. I merely a want a relationship with sex." Rowena looked at her. He spoke nothing and sat beside her. "I am asexual and you are the first person I told this to." Rowena smiled and hugged her. "It's okay, you are free." Chiyo smiled. "I didn't expect no one to tell this to me,"

"When I came out, no one supported me. So I thought about giving the comfort I wanted to others."

"You are a lovely person, I am feeling bad for shitting on you."

"At Least you accept you are shitting on me."

They both chuckled at each other and spent the entire day knowing each other.

Chiyo opened a door with a lot of food that contained chocolates, cakes, and drinks. "Chiyo, you are here." Rowena cried. His eyes were red, and he had eye bags. "How did that idiot break up with you, don't worry now I am here? Let's eat and drink." Rowena started crying even further. "He broke up with me because I told him I already have a soulmate and you know he called me a bitch." Chiyo gasped. "He did not, and you do not deserve him. Don't waste your precious tears for someone like that, and it's also not the first guy you dated after we met."

"Yeah I shouldn't be, but." he cried even more. Chiyo sighed and hugged him. "Don't worry, you will find someone better. You don't need soulmates to be in some romantic relationship. Look at us, we are soulmates and friends."

"Glad the string formed. For two years I have, my best friend." Chiyo laughed and gave him a chocolate to eat.

Chiyo reminisced about the day she and Rowena met. Before that she used to think friendship was a waste of time, but everything changed. She and Rowena had the best time and no one could understand them, as they both did. Chiyo loves Rowena as a friend whom she would like to be with her whole life.

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