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Never in my life, I wished to have someone with me. Not a love, but someone who I can talk to, rather than a romantic interest. I hope to have someone with whom I can share my feelings with. How about someone who is not a mortal, like a guardian angel? Maybe it's too frequent.

Tempest, in her lowest forms, lay on the bed, whining and rolling around. No one seemed to love her despite her being nice to everyone. She loved to please people next to her. Tempest always tried her finest to do things like that, because she wanted people to love her, indeed if it's not a lot, at least one person who loved her till the end. Tempest could do nothing, so she drifted to her sleep, knowing she had school tomorrow. For her, it was another day of torture. She did not get bullied, but was an outcast.

It was early in the morning and, as usual, Tempest was late and her dad had to nag her out of the bed. He was an alone dad who lost his girlfriend. Despite being a single person, he raised his daughter in a pleasant.
Manner and got her ready for the real world. Tempest liked her dad a lot, because when she heard about other dads, he was a lot better at everything. He multitasked and took care of her without making her suffer, as she was all he had.

Soon Tempest reached her school, which she didn't feel like. She sat in the classroom, bored and out of concentration. There was no passion in her for that. Even if she does not listen to classes, she invariably ends up getting some good score which satisfies everyone, especially her father, even though he does not mind as he knows good grades aren't everything.

Tempest was in her brain thinking about how the world would feel if it revolved around her, which would not happen. The homeroom teacher arrived with someone next to her. It was a boy who was the same age as hers. Tempest opened her eyes and looked at him, finding him staring at her. Tempest blinked, not knowing what to say. After they completed the introduction, he made his way next to her. Eri smiled at her and extended his hand for a greet. Awkwardly, she extended her hand, knowing it was new that someone greeted her in the class.

Tempest kept wondering, and she couldn't help but overthink everything. She thought maybe he would use her and leave her as everyone caused she was overly kind. Throughout the class, he helped her whenever she needed any help. Tempest got surprised, as he did not ask for her help, but kept helping her whenever she needed. It felt like he knew when and where she would be in trouble. 

It's already been two months and they both become best friends. Everything was extraordinary. She had someone with her, and their friendship was excellent. Tempest felt like Eri was her guardian who would always help her in harsh times, and she was for him throughout. Like that time passed, everything was in the right place.

Eri looked at her while smiling his heart out. Her happiness was the reason for him to be content and he has been thinking that it was the right time to tell her. She can get shocked or even scared, but he wanted to tell her the truth despite everything. He took a deep breath and started striding towards her as slowly as desirable. His breath was getting heavy, and he seemed flustered as Eri hid the truth from so many days.

Eri was before her, staring at her, not speaking anything. "Speak something." he gulped and started thinking about what he had to say.
"I have to tell you something." Tempest nodded her head, signalling him to speak. He strode backwards and smiled at her. Soon a golden light came from his back and it was forming into something. Tempest widened her eyes. "Is it some kind of prank?"
Eri bloomed some wings and his clothes changed into something different. It looked strange from their current clothing.

Eri had cream coloured clothes with a little of black splashes on his clothes and wings, even his eye colour changed into white and black. He looked so ethereal and Tempest got mesmerised, but she did not flinch looking at him, which took him in shock. "Tempest, sorry for hiding this. I am your guardian angel. I know we have been friends since highschool and now we both are in universities. It's been a long time, but you can understand I can't reveal myself to anyone."

Tempest gulped and started crying. She didn't know if she got scared or betrayed or her dream came true. The thing that she wished for was always next to her in a human form and she could not even guess it. Eri came closer to her, trying to hug her, but she pushed him away and ran to her house. 

Eri sighed, knowing he expected something to happen. Everyone would have the same reaction and he thought about entering her house at night, and he again knew that her father might murder him without knowing it's him, but it's easy for him to get into anything cause he is an angel, not a human. And suddenly he remembered she lives alone cause she is an adult now.

Eri reached her house, and she was not in her bedroom. He knew she was taking a bath, so he sat on the bed while reading the article on her phone. He knew her everything as he watches her 24/7. The article was about guardian angels; he chuckled, knowing she was trying. He felt like a proud father.

Tempest walked in, seeing Eri on her bed. "Excuse me, I am naked." he looked at her while blinking and turned around. "Is it enough, put your clothes on fast. We need to talk and this is not the first time I saw you naked. I can see you wherever you go." Tempest widened her eyes, knowing he might have seen everything once. "What and what did you see?" 
"Uh.., I shouldn't be saying this but it isn't mere nakedness, but everything."
Tempted screamed and threw a pillow at him.
"You crazy bastard, how can you?" she hit him with a pillow, making him defend himself.
"No, no. what's the point of becoming angry at me, everyone does that right. It's all natural."

Tempest stopped knowing it was correct, "so that is how you knew whenever I was in trouble."
"Yeah. I came here to protect you and look over you."
"Are you sure we are not in some movie?"
He chuckled, "No, my friend. It's real."
Tempest chuckled too. "So tell me about you. I want to listen to you."
Eri nodded, and they both started talking about him. Tempest nevertheless found him as a guardian friend, except that he was not a mortal. She also found that he will disappear when she dies, and it did not make her depressed as they will be with each other till the end and become ashes together.




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