The garden of the blooms

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A young, delicate person was walking, singing a melody. Everyone looked at them while smiling. From the voice, everyone knew it was the red rose, the most beloved flower. They made their way to greet the crimson-coloured petals. "Hello rose, how are you," they laughed in the most addicting tone ever, "I am fine loves."

Everyone loved rose as they spread vast positive energy. The scent they release makes everyone feel enthusiastic and lively. They could not escape from the magic the roses released. It's their power, making everyone adore them. "Rose, I have to tell you something," Carnation approached, "I could not say no again. What should I do....?" Rose smiled. "It's because you are so polite."

"Why are you smiling, I am in trouble?,"

"I was born like this,"

Carnation sighed and explained the situation to the optimistic rose. Rose shook their head in disappointment, but could not help but smile. "What gender?" Carnation got filled with confusion about the question their friend asked, "Rose, we don't have genders, remember," Rose nodded their head frantically, "I happen to listening to a lot of giant creatures on this planet and they name each other by genders,"

"Rose, my dear. We are not humans and essentially everyone here prefers gender-neutral terms as it's a law from history. They say it includes equality between the garden," 

"I know, love, it's that. Since I knew that we all are living in a small garden on this huge planet earth. I wondered whether I could travel and reach the stars there." Carnation released a sigh. "It's illegal to leave this place. Even if we escaped, we could get punished strictly."

"Not like I am telling you I will escape."

"If you do so, make sure you tell me, because I ain't leaving you alone." Rose got excited at the words of their friend. "Are you telling me you will come with me....?"

"Yes, do I even have another choice?"

Rose hugged the Carnation, "You are yet quiet as you can usually be," Carnation sighed, "Help me with my problem and later we will decide whether to betray our garden," Rose laughed out loud, "We are not betraying them,"

"We are. What if we get caught by humans.....? Wouldn't that be a betrayal? They would know we are alive."

"We are always alive, they knew that. And if they showed up, we can naturally turn into a plant."

"Whatever you say. I should meet the red tulip. That person has a love confession and I should deliver its petal," Rose hit Carnation. "Couldn't you say no, constantly doing favours for others?"

"They made me humble, and it is my power. Flowers use me to get their work done as it is the only thing I am good at."

"Like I am great at making people fall for me."

Carnation bid goodbye to their dear friend and chuckled. Soon the carnation reached the red tulip. "Ah, here you come, my good friend. It is time to deliver the love confession. I hope their love blooms and becomes forever," Carnation gave a fake laugh, "So who should I deliver it," The tulip took the red petal nearby and touched it, making letters appear on the petal. Carnation blinked, mesmerised. "It's from our good friend chrysanthemum. That person is in love with the water, flower, lotus. My my, they would make such a good couple."

"How do you remember everything?" "I remember nothing, in particular other things, my friend. It is love that I remember and forgive for the lovely burden. My worker lilac could not come today, as they have a meeting with their ancestors,"

Carnation soon delivered the love confession to lotus. They worried about the rose, as the carnation could not stop the horrible adventure rose is dreaming of. Carnation could never betray the garden, but likewise could not leave rose alone. Friends meant to stick together despite whatever that comes between. Rose is the only one who would do anything for carnation, and they would do the same. It's mesmerising to humans that flowers are just like them. They have feelings and emotions.

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