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I woke up sweating after having a dream. It was a nightmare that one could not understand. It was tragic and the woman in it is haunting me. Every day, I woke up screaming as I could not bear the dreams anymore. It's been one month since I started having them and I did not know how could I end them. It would have been okay if it was a mere dream, but the dreams came true. I would not say it's certain, but the predictions of the woman in my dreams say. Everything became absolute. It was not a coincidence. I thought it was, but it wasn't, as everyday I see someone dying.

The dreams predict other people's death and I could not understand how to save them. I have to see people dying before my eyes and I could save no one. Every day was a mental stress. Watching so many people go away turned me into someone who differs from the actual me.

I keep saying to myself that the past is past, but it terrified me. I don't want to see more deaths, not after my mom died because of my dreams. It was not something I could stop. That day, I remember everything that happened that day.
The woman in my dreams predicted two deaths. One was a child that was born. The parents gave birth to twins and the girl child died as promptly after she was born. And the other was a woman that was an elder. I thought it was some woman. But it wasn't. It was my mom who died and the twin child's mother was a colleague. The rumour spread soon enough and reached me. I could not bring myself to visit her and console her. She could not bear the pain and had to get her therapy, and her wife; she could not see her wife in pain like that. It was unfortunate and everyone visited them, except me. I was the one who ruined their happiness. I am also the one who killed my mother. I murdered someone that gave birth to me.

Everything was worthless. I was living an ideal life and now I am losing people that are related to someone next to me cause I consistently have to know about the deaths. It's something. And today it was my best friend, Bishop. She was everything to me. She trusted me through everything. Bishop believed me when I said my dreams were coming true. I could save no one, but I would not lose her. I would willingly die than lose her. I can't see even more deaths.

Jose got up after calming himself from crying. He wanted to go to his best friend, Bishop. It wouldn't be extremely late as it was four in the morning and the incidents took place always after six. He felt if reached there right away, he could be with her and he likewise knew that if he could save her from dying in the 12 hours after 6. She could be alive with nothing until next time. If he could make her last, he knew he could save much people, too.

First it should have been Bishop, his only friend. He had friends, many as anyone could imagine, but after the dreams, no one believed him except for her. The only person was Bishop. He drove his car to her apartment and ran inside. As shortly as he reached the door, he typed the key in and barged inside while screaming. "Bishop, wake up. I need you." His voice quivered as tears started flowing.

He went inside her room to find that she was yet sleeping. He could not stop crying; he sat beside her. "Bishop." He couldn't get himself to speak other words. She woke in a gasp to find him next to her. "What are you doing here? And why are you crying?" he started sobbing even heavier and brought her in his arms. "Y-you died-d in my d-dream." Bishop widened her eyes and almost was about to tear up.

"Now I am also going to kill you," he sobbed louder, with his face in his hands. "You are not killing me, Jose. It must be fate for me to die."
"NO, it is not. I am going to save you, no matter what. I WILL NOT LET YOU DIE." Bishop shook her head. "No, Jose, at least I know I will die. Let's spend some time. Do you know when I will die?"
"NO. fuck no. Do you think I will let you die? I cannot lose another being in my life. I want you. You are the merely one who could understand me. How can I live without you.....? I have two options. I am saving you or I will die with you. I cannot kill more people. The woman in my dream will never leave me alone. People will keep dying and I will be all alone. If you die. I would become an insane person. I would die mentally." He screamed, but at the end his voice sounded faint. It sounded broken. Bishop started crying hearing her friend's words.

"Do you think we can live....?" Bishop let her head down, "I don't know....., either we are living together or dying together," Bishop cried out loud, "Jose, I don't want to die,"
"We will try our best. So first. Let's be together the whole day or the entire week. I can't promise we will be alive until later."
"It's only me Jose. You will not die."
"You foolish woman. If you die. I will kill myself." Jose laughed in his tears.

It was six now. The time for death started and they haven't decided if they should go to some place or should stay at her house. Bishop was sitting on the bed with her face between her lap, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Jose started walking here and there; the dog that she pets started following him wherever he went. "Why are you following me champy," the dog did not answer, but started whimpering. Jose felt like the dog knew something. "If I die. Who will take care of champ......?"

Jose went towards and hugged her. "I don't know. I am extremely sorry. You would have never thought we would come at this point. It should have been just me." Bishop wiped her tears. "No, Jose, let's get out of here. I cannot breathe over here. My mind is going crazy. Let's take champ with us too." Jose spoke nothing. She kept looking at him and dragged him towards the car.

They all were inside the car with blue faces. The dog was the alone one who was yet content, not knowing what was coming. Bishop sat in the driving seat and started the engine. Jose sighed, knowing they might die in a car accident. The woman in his dreams either tells the incident or the name of the person. The moment they got in the car, Jose could feel it was the end for them. They could be no further in this world. Jose smiled at the Bishop. "I think it's the last ride we will have." Bishop turned pale, but she gave him a smile. "Our pain will end now," she said. Soon they were near the mountain pass dead. The car came before them, making Bishop turn the car and fell down. They all were dead where the bodies cannot get found. They were no more.

Jose gasped while waking up from a dream. He was sweating and looked pale. "What's up Jose. had a nightmare..?" Bishop questioned him while driving. "I had a dream that we all three died from falling for a mountain pass, but we all knew that we are going to die. It was in my dream. People died in my dream because a woman told me to and she was in my dream....?"
"Uh, I can't understand what you are telling me. Except the dying part. You are telling me we all died. Dude, I think it's because we all are on road and I think it's from tiredness of driving. No problem since I am driving it now." Jose sighed. "That was a horrifying experience. It connected everything about dreams."
"Don't worry. We are alive, going on a trip." Bishop said, laughing at her poor friend. Jose rolled his eyes while laughing. At last they all went on a trip, without dying. Everything that happened is a simple dream of Jose.

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