Me and Myself

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Cali woke up in the middle of nowhere. He looked around himself to see where he was. Cali could not remember how he got into that place. It was unique and unfamiliar. As Cali got up, he widened his eyes, watching it fly in the sky. He could not understand what it was. It looked like a fox, but it was not natural. They made it with crystals.

He got mesmerised by its beauty and intrigued to look at it. The fox was something he never saw before. It was moving in the air, making circles. As it did, it came nearer with each spin it took. Cali's eyes widened, and he screamed. His legs could not move. He fell down and started crawling away in fear. His movement excited the fox in the sky more. The fox flew loose and landed before Cali.

Cali's head spun as he lost his consciousness looking at the giant creature next to him. The fox looked at him; it placed a paw in his body and tapped him. Pepper whimpered looking at him, "are you alive.....?" it spoke. Pepper held him with his tail and took him somewhere quiet and mum.

It's been a while since Cali shut his eyes; he was sleeping on pepper while it kept licking him. Soon he woke up on the smooth crystal, even though it got made of a crystal. It was soft and seemed like a typical animal instead of crystal. Cali opened his eyes as cautiously as imaginable to look at the violet-coloured fox. Pepper chuckled, "You woke up, you unknown man. Not unknown anymore, I guess. I searched about you with my super technology and it seems you came from the past." Cali chuckled, looking at the Fox. It was adorable, but he did not listen to any if it's words until the words struck him. "Wait what..? The past."

"Yes, Cali, the past. You came from 2021, but it's 4021. You came here from two centuries ago. It's the future and let me introduce myself. I am Pepper."


"Calm down, I won't hurt you nor tell anyone about this. I will help you get back to your home. Let's watch how you get here and likewise I am a fox made with crystals and I am made with amethyst, siberian amethyst."

Cali took a strong breath to calm himself down so he could go back or know how he came here. A lot of thoughts kept echoing in his brain, and he couldn't remember anything. All he remembers was he woke up and there's a talking fox, which is made of crystal. Everything seemed so eerie. He did not imagine the future to be so mysterious that there are talking artificial animals.

Pepper with its tail tapped its stomach, opened a tab and gave it to him. "You can search for anything in it. Look at what you want. Let me sleep. Don't run elsewhere. If they caught you, you and I both would be in some lab getting annihilating."

"Anni what, don't laugh and tell me. What will they do?"

"High chances we will die, or we will become food to some lion or tiger, which is still worse so, don't run away."

"Don't sleep. What if they find me," Cali pouted, looking at Pepper. Even though they met just now, Cali felt like Pepper would help him know how it went and take care of him better than anyone. Pepper's energy was gentle, and he was caring, but Cali did not understand how Pepper stayed so serene, knowing he came from the future.

As soon as Cali opened the tab, he could see how he came here. It was a scientist lab; he came there for a tour and while looking around; he ended up falling on the machine by slipping and now he is in the future with a fox. "OH MY GOD, HOW AWFUL OF ME. HOW DID I END UP SLIPPING AND FALLING ON A MACHINE."

"Shut up Cali, can't believe I used to be like that."

Cali widened his eyes at the word of pepper. The last words it said were going inside his brain. It stopped working and all he could think about was that. "I used to be? Are you me?" Pepper sighed, knowing they bound it to happen because Pepper knew everything about it. That was the reason it came to the alone place, to meet its old self in mortal form.

"It's time to tell you about this, I guess. The people who did remarkable things get turned into crystal animals over here. I know it's 2 centuries ago that I was a human. It was some 50 years ago when they found this technology. They looked into people who did something wonderful and time travelled to the past and researched about them and they created an animal that represented them."

"So you are me?"

"Yes, I am, my dear. I am you. And you may assume what you did was so great? You travelled. You time travelled to the future and now it's the time to go back."

"Wait what, Pepper, go away so quick? Let me stay for some time."

"I can't control it. I have something to tell you. Keep hanging in there. You will achieve what you want and as you get older, you will become a much gentler person and Cali. I love you." Pepper licked Cali's face before he disappeared.

Cali's body turned translucent and he could touch nothing. He was crying, knowing he met his future self, and he loved himself. "Don't cry and take care." Pepper said as Cali vanished into the air.

Pepper chuckled, knowing how foolish and impetuous he used to be. Back then, when Pepper was still Cali, he was anxious knowing what would happen and got sad knowing everything. Even though knowing that they turned into a fascinating person, Cali was still weird out to meet his future self and he achieved what he wanted. A calm personality and high self-esteem. Pepper again knew that Cali got sad because it lied about searching about Cali and threatening about labs.

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