8. Connor's Past

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Hi guy's I know the title is Connor's Past but I'm gonna pick up where we left off with Callie I hope you like it!

Callie's Pov:

I knock on Judes door and walk in after no response to see Jude in a cacoon of blankets. I walk over and sit on the bed "Hey Judy, listen I'm sorry ok, I didnt mean to be sound so disapproving , its just that I dont want you to end up getting bullied or hurt." I look at the cacoon of blankets and find two eyes peeking out at me." I just talked to Stef and Lena and I have new." I say smiling, Jude sits up yo look at me. "were getting adopted." Jude nodds and still looks mad at me, he has a look in his eyes though that says he's happy. I get up and walk away.

Jude's Pov:

I watched Callie as she left. After she left I was in complete utter joy because we were being adopted by the best family that we have ever had. I grab my phone that Lena ans Stef got me and texted Connor.

J-"hey, guess what"


J-"I'm getting adopted."

C-" thats great"

I heard a knock on the door, Lena came in after the fourth knock with out a response. "hey bud" she says trying to make eye contact. "Hi" I reply trying to avoid eye contact because I was ticked off at her because she told the entire house about Connor and I."So did you hear the news." Lena said cheerfully. "Yes" I replied still trying to avoid eye contact. " Listen, Jude I'm sorry that after you told me you and Connor were a thing, the entire house ended up knowing. I was think about inviting him over for dinner to get to know him better, would that be ok with you?" I look up at her," Yea, that would be nice I'll check with him and get back to you." I said. "Ok just let me know" she replied then left. "bzzz" I grabbed my phone and checked my texts

C-" Jude you still there."

J-" Yea I'm still here, was just talking to Lena."

C-" what about?"

J" She wanted to know if you would come over to dinner so her and Stef could get to know you better."

C- " Why"

J-"Because you're my boyfreind they found out when you kissed by good bye in the car on the cheek."

C-" Ok just tell me what day and what time."

J-" I'm not sure I'll get back to you."

C-" Ok, I'll see you tommorow."

J-" bye, see you tommorow."

I plugged in my phone into its charger and went to sleep.

(time skip to morning)

I woke up early and was out of the door, and off to school.

I got to school and walked to my locker to see Bemo waiting there. "So you're friends with Connor" she says scornfully at me. " Yea" I said because I was unsure whether or not we were exculsive as a couple. She scoffed and started walkinng away " Be careful." she said while she was walking away. I wonder what that was about. I'll ask Connor and see if he has any insight. I walk to the beacj to get some fresh air after a while of just sitting and watching the waves i decide to text Connor.

J-" Morning"

C-" Morning, where are you I just go to school."

J-" I'm on the beach."

C-" Ok I'll be there in a sec."

Connor's Pov:

I dropped my stuff off at my locker afterwards I go to meet Jude on the beach. I sneak up behind him and start tickling his sides. Jude is caught by surprise and I start strattling his hips while continuing to tickle him. After a while I start to stop and we make eye contact and I lean in to kiss him and we start to make out, I lickhis lips for entrance he opens and I slide my toungue in and we countinue making out on th beach while I'm strattling him. We end up stopping after a while. He put s his head on my chest and we both just rest and lay there. He's making circles on my chest with his finger while I stroke his hair " I'm free for dinner tonight with your family, if its ok with them." I say. " Yea I'll ask Lena and tell you what She say." Jude says while still rubbing circles on my chest. "Can I ask you a question?" Jude says looking up at me. " Go ahead." I say while stroking Judes hair. " You know that girl Bemo why doesn't she like you?" I immediately tense up at her name and regret letting jude ask me questions. " Um... I dont know we were really good freinds then all of a sudden we just stopped." I replied. After Jude's question we walked back to the school then parted way for our fist class of the day.

Jude's Pov:

After me and Connor part ways for our first class. I walk to Literature Class with Mrs.Shube and run into Lena and ask If Connor can come over for dinner tonight she agrees. I get to Literature and see Bemo sitting at a table by herself. I go up to her and try to digg deeper into why her and Connor weren't friends any more. "Hey" I say while sitting next to her, she ignores me." So why did you ask me if I was friends with Connor?" She looks at me "Ask him" she says , " I did he said you both were best friends then you just suddenly stopped being friends" I said. She starts to get angry and gets up and trys to walk away, but not before I grab her arm, she turns around and yells at me, " You wanna know what happened Connor and his dad are both homophobic jerks. Me and Connor were friends and I told him I was lesbian and he outed mr to the entire school then I lost all my friends and was bullied for the rest of the year!" I release my grip, I'm in utter shock I stay standing there while she storms out of the class room...

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