35. Breaking the Rules

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lets just start off by saying they tried, they tried to follow the rules but sadly they were doomed from the start well lets get back to the story...

Connor leaned in ,Jude knew what was coming yet had no words to say , he couldn't think of a thing, well that was until Connors lips touched his then fire works exploded in his mind along with the annoying sirens in the back of his head saying that this was wrong and that they made rules for a reason. But sadly he could not think of any reason as to why it was wrong until the sudden pang of remembrance that said he left you remember and with that Jude shoved Connor away with a sudden amount of force.

"OWW! What was that for?" Connor said rubbing the back of his head where it hit the door. He looked at Jude as if expecting an answer,but none came. Connor became frustrated and blew up "You know what fine don't give me an answer but then just stop giving me so many mixed signals as to where you want this relationship to go or what ever this is" Connor said angrily while gesturing between himself and Jude, he then gave a huff and sat back in the seat. "Well do you have anything to say?" Connor asked in a calmer tone. Jude gave a silent shake from side to side and in response Connor gave another huff.

On that note Connor got out of the car and walked away leaving Jude to his own thoughts. Jude sat in the car and thought of his and Connors reactions and how they were so different, yet how he himself would have reacted the same if in Connors's place. Jude was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of tapping on the window, he turned to see the face of Pete whom had a distraught look on his face. Jude got out of the truck and faced Pete.

"Hey do you know where Connor is?" Jude said in a hushed tone. Pete looked at him again as if asking if he could repeat himself, but no such thing happened so Pete inferred what Jude was asking and responded with "He went to the garage".

With that info Jude made his way to the garage and found Connor sitting on a stool with his face in his hands breathing heavily. He walked over and crouched so he could see Connors' face and waited for him to look up.

"Sorry" Connor said in a hushed tone," Its just last night you kissed me on the cheek and it just started to stir up some old feelings and I don't know I guess part of me wanted to know if you still felt the same way and-" Connor was cut off by Jude "Connor its fine it was a mistake and I get it OK... So do you wanna go get that car now" Jude said quietly while standing up and offering a hand to Connor.

They got the truck and ended up leaving it at Pete's Junk Yard in the garage so Connor could come back and fix it up and give it maintenance. On there way home nothing was mentioned about the kiss though both thought about it. Surprisingly though they both shared the same thought 'What do I do now'.

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