49. Party

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It was a Friday night just like any other except, this Friday everyone was raving about the some party.

Jude was putting his books in his bag, when he had someone jump on his back, he looked over to see a smirk that belonged to non other than Bemo, "hello is there a reason why your on my back, like a five year old" Jude asked.

Bemo looked at him for for a second before leaning in and whispering, "were going to a party".

Jude was dumbfounded at the statement until Bemo started fist pumping and hooting like a wild manic.
"Hey can you get off of me I'm gonna be late to math" Jude said trying to pry Bemo off while she continued hooting. Eventually Bemo got off and they both walked to their next period.

Connor was passed out in the janitors closet when he heard of the party. He was awoken to hooting and chanting of the some party. He decided that he would look into it later and possibly attend if he could find out the info.

After looking around Connor came across a girl named Layla who was throwing the party and after flirting with her for a while he got the info and was off to the beach so he could light a few.

It was the end of the day and after constant badgering Jude said yes to going to the party with Bemo even though he'd rather be at home snuggling with his pillows while watching Netflix.


It was 9 o'clock when the party officially started, and let's just say that this was the party that had endless alcohol and would most likely end with the cops shutting it down.

Jude was in the kitchen having small talk, while sipping a beer,Connor was outside chatting up some girl.

The night went on and more alcohol was drunk, until it was the morning and the night became a blur in which no one could recall.


It was 7am and Connor had a pounding headache he opened his eyes and couldn't recognize his surrounding, he had no clothes on and was apparently in someone's bed room. There was light snoring next to him, the the realization hit him he got laid last night, feeling proud Connor looked over to see who had the pleasure being bedded by him, and was greeted with short brown hair hair and long eyes lashes. Connor leaned over and then ever so slightly tilted the persons head for a better look, but then the person stirred awake and Connor was greeted with dark brown eyes. It was Jude

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