Part 12

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I sat in the back of the shop working on the starters and little things for work tomorrow, I heard the bell on the door but continued on as Oswin as in the front so I didn't worry too much till I heard him call me "Romulus! you got visitors" He called so I finished up and headed out to the shop

"Daddy!" Arthur and Lisbeth smiled jumping on me each of them having half a pretzel in their mouths 

"Hey kids, aww you came to visit daddy?"
"We came for pretzel mistakes" Lisbeth giggled 

"You didn't come to see daddy?"

"of course we came to see daddy didn't we" y/n smiled giving me a kiss

"Aww hello, aren't I lucky getting my pretty wifey coming to visit me at work" I smiled giving her a tight cuddle 

"mummy also wanted a pretzel"
"You all just wanted pretzels didn't you?"
".... maybe" she smiled "But we did also need bread at home" 

"Fine, it's still lovely to see you all" 

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