Chapter 2 "Our Song" {Edited}

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Clove’s PoV

I wake up today realising that last night, everything I’ve ever wanted came true. The problem is that it all came too slowly and time could never be reversed. Our bittersweet romance is going to fall apart before it even begins. The Reaping for the 74th Hunger Games is tomorrow and the dance is tonight. Cato is the only person I want to go to the Hunger Games with, whether I want to kill him or for him to be by my side at my death. He is going to win, no matter how much it would kill me to throw away my dreams –I would be dead anyway. I spin out of my pessimistic thoughts and take a shower. With the hot water rushing over my head, I fall back into those thoughts. I imagine how it would feel to die. Is it like falling into an endless sleep? If the Capitol had never existed, would I be able to die when I’m frail and old with Cato at my side? Stupid Capitol. I don’t know why they even like District 2; we hate them as much as the rest of the districts. The other districts dislike us because of our closeness with the capitol.

I pick two dresses, the short black one for the Reaping and the long, angelic white one for the dance. My mum had bought this for me, just for these two occasions and nothing else. She’s hoping I could wear these again one day, if I come back alive, which I highly doubt. I’m glad she adopted me 10 years ago; she saved me from my abusive, drunken mother. You’d think I’d hate my family, because of how intimidating, violent and cocky I am. You’d think I wouldn’t want someone to always be there for me and tell me what to do to protect me.

I brush my dark hair and messily put on makeup. There’s no one I really need to impress; I’m already the star of District 2. I don’t deserve it. The star should be someone who would push everyone down just to get their way –winning the games. And I would throw away my victory all for some stupid jerk that I might’ve loved at some point. A girl like me shouldn’t even know how to love. I’m still a child that has no experience in feelings. I can’t even feel pity, then how am I supposed to feel love? Cato and I are going to be a story of tragedy –like Romeo and Juliet, in a less sappy way. This isn’t easy for me, or him. We’re the only ones left for each other, once we leave to that godforsaken hellhole.

Now I have to wait for the knock on my front door, bringing me one step closer to my imminent death.

Cato’s PoV

Protect her, with your life.


That’s what comes to my mind when I hear or even see her name. Its what I owe her. She’s the one that was there for me when my sister, Winter, was killed in the games. It must be a coincidence that my sister fell in the love in the games and was killed by her lover. That’s something you’d assume Clove and I would do. I would never hurt her, even if it costs my heart and soul. But it all comes down to the moment where both our lives are in danger.

I push my blonde hair up with some gel and put on my father’s old suit. Remembering the old times, my childhood, when Clove and I were just outcasts finding our way together. It threatens tears up my eyes and trust me, I’ve only cried once in my life. I walk to Clove’s house next door and inhale an immense amount of air. The neighbourhood is at a quiet atmosphere at the moment, bracing themselves for a victor to come home. And that victor will be Clove. I let my knuckles intensify and hit the door softly so I wouldn’t startle Clove.

There she stands. Her hair draped messily across her left shoulder, eyes deeply emphasised by a dark line of eyeliner, skin slightly tanned by the glow of her dress. There is one thing worrying me, how am I going to stop falling for her? And no, I’m not all for her beauty, but her courage and the way she understands me.

A Thousand Years. (A Clato Fan Fiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now