Chapter 9 "The Girl on Fire" {Edited}

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Cato’s PoV

With the conclusion of the infamous Bloodbath, we are left with dead bodies and supplies. Clove looks pale and I know it’s not because of the blood; she’s seen blood probably more than I have. We are all exhausted but we still collect the supplies we need and won’t slow us down if we must escape. No one seems majorly injured, maybe a few cuts, bruises and scrapes here and there. The District 4 girl is still obviously grief-stricken with all this death. Of course, she did none of the killing. Glimmer looks pleased with herself although she needed the most saving. Marvel seems unctuous when he begins gathering a few spears and swords, casually stepping on anything –even the bodies. I am ashamed for what I have done but if I have to live with guilt for a few more days just to keep Clove alive, I will.

There is no more adrenaline for now. We just have to hunt for more tributes for a few more days. As we walk deep within the forest, in scorching heat, we boast about our kills. Glimmer is the loudest ranting on about how a girl yanked her hair so she made sure she died. Marvel makes spear jokes, which are actually quite stupid but hilarious at the same time. Clove tries her best to make herself look proud but I can tell she doesn’t feel that way. I allow myself to boast as a punishment. The air is still, but wintry, sinking into our zipped up thermal jackets. Someone desperate enough ought to light a fire, leading us straight to them.

Hours later, the crack of sticks, rustle of leaves and the sound of heavy breathing encompass us.

“Shh, I think we’re getting somewhere,” I say. A boy runs past us, glaring straight at us with fear, and maybe hope, and then running again. “Go, go, go!”

Everyone begins to run after him in a line. I am the fastest, catching up to him in no time. My instincts make me jump, dragging his shoulders down to the moist ground. I hold my sword to his neck while he struggles against my grasp.

“Isn’t that Lover Boy?” Glimmer giggles.

“Where’s your little lover, Katniss?” Clove taunts.

“I guess he got dumped,” Marvel says, laughing.

“Should I kill him?” I ask them.

“No,” the girl from 4 finally speaks.

“Why not?” I clench my teeth together.

“Because I know where Katniss is and if you kill me, you’ll never find her.” He grunts. “So, here’s a deal, you don’t kill me, and I help you track her down,” he bargains.

“Fair enough, let him go,” Clove smirks, “but if you trick us, you’ll never see your little girlfriend ever again.”

“Welcome to the Careers,” Marvel says, shaking his hand. Peeta somewhat smiles.

The cannons go off one by one, and we congratulate each other on each and every death.

Night falls, and it is colder than ever. We should begin seeing a fire by now.

“What’s that?” Peeta asks. He’s pointing to a flickering light in the distance, with smoke rising in the air.

“Some idiot,” Glimmer says, “Let’s get ‘em.”

We begin to run, stealthily towards them. If we aren’t quiet she’ll hear us and run away. The girl is sprawled across the ground, sleeping. We all roar with laughter and she wakes up.

“Aw, guys, she could’ve been having such a sweet dream,” Clove teases.

“I call dibs!” Glimmer yells.

“No, please don’t. I’ll give you anything!”

“I’m sorry, but we don’t want anything from you.” Marvel chuckles.

A Thousand Years. (A Clato Fan Fiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now