Chapter 20 "The Reception"

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Clove’s PoV

The beach was different; it was filled with tables and chairs for all the tributes. At the front was where the bridal party sat so we head over there while somebody arranged an extra seat for Kayla. The first course is served while Marvel says his speech, which was surprisingly very funny. Over the time of the next course, Glimmer made a speech of when she first met us. Cato stands up and takes me by the hand. He announces that we have decided to sing a song together. His guitar was already here, I hold down the chords while he strums.

Cause all I know is we said hello

And your eyes look like coming home

All I know is a simple name,

Everything has changed

All I know is you held the door

You'll be mine and I’ll be yours

All I know since yesterday is everything has changed’

This was Cato’s idea to sing this together. He always came up with the romantic stuff that happens to be my dreams. Since he walked into my life, I knew he would make me a dreamer. I wanted to do something romantic for him. I came up with this idea a while ago actually. “Everyone! I have to perform something else now.” I announce after the clapping dies down. I hold the guitar and adjust the microphone to my height. Clove, you’ve rehearsed this a million times, I remind myself.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

This night is flawless, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you’

I made it through without choking or fainting. My practice did pay off after all. Robert then takes over the microphone and announces the first dance of the newlyweds. The introduction of our song, A Thousand Years, starts and Cato and I rush to the dance floor. We hold each other just like the night we first heard this song together, it was just like a re-enactment with the same feelings and the kiss. Everyone else pairs up and is invited to the dance floor. More upbeat pop music plays next while everyone is having fun. The songs and everyone crowds around the wedding cake, it was 3 layers with two figures on top, I wonder who got the idea to make my one look like a midget! I look at Cato and he is trying to hold in his laughter.

“Was that your idea?” I say while raising my eyebrow. He starts laughing, like he was insane or something.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I say while punching him. Someone hands me a knife, I stare at it remembering it as a weapon not a kitchen utensil. I take it carefully while Cato wraps his fingers on top of mine. We slice through the cake together then hand out the pieces to each tribute. We all take a seat and enjoy the cake until it was close to the time we had to leave. Cato lifts me up onto a table and I’m suddenly the centre of attention. I hear a bunch of screams and squeals while I turn my back towards the audience. In one clean throw, the bouquet is flying out from my hands and there is a scream of triumph. It was the girl from 8 who had caught it. I remembered Glimmer stabbing her but she didn’t die so Peeta had finished her off instead. We said our goodbyes and everyone left.

Cato’s PoV

I finally had her all to myself after this busy day.

“Walk with me?” I say while holding my hand out. She nods and slips her hand into mine. We walk along the shore of the beach. The salty air, sand grinding in between my toes and the water slowly flooding up to my ankles. There was silence for a few minutes, just walking peacefully across the beach.

“Swim now.” I demand while taking off my shirt.

“No.” She answers while smiling sweetly.

“Just take off your dress. No one’s here.” I say while winking.

“Its not like I would be naked if I took it off.” She says with her arms crossed.

“Get in or I’ll make you.”


I walk up to her, seawater dripping from my body. I lift her up; with one arm supporting her waist while the other supports her legs. She’s laughing until I throw her in, instead she screams. I start laughing crazily until she gets up and pushes me until I fall in. I shake my head, drying my hair a bit then I cup my hands full of water. I throw it straight at her and she has a shocked expression.

“You did not just do that.” She says angrily but a bit playful at the same time. She runs and tackles me. My back wasn’t in pain because of the soft sand.

“Nice one Clover.” I say while another wave comes crashing towards us. She stays on top of me, her head resting on her arms. We stay like this until the sun went down and all the colours faded into the dark but enchanting night sky. We walk back while I cuddle her close to me. Her skin was freezing and her face was pale in the moonlight. I take my scrunched up shirt from my hand and put it on her.

“Thanks.” She says while reaching up to kiss my cheek. We reach our home and start opening the gifts. After that we were exhausted and went straight to sleep, not evening saying a word to each other.

A Thousand Years. (A Clato Fan Fiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now