Chapter 17 "Gale"

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Gale’s PoV

Was that Glimmer? She had grown up so much now, the last time I saw her was probably… I don’t even know. It was such a long time ago. She was glowing, more beautiful than the last time I saw her. Even though I fell for Katniss, my best friend, I have always loved Glimmer more and never forgot about her. Just before she reaches me, she trips but I catch her before she hits the ground.

“I should’ve done this a long time ago.” I say while holding both her hands in front of me. I lean in after taking a deep breath.

Glimmer’s PoV

It was so sudden. Everyone probably thought I had my first kiss by now but I’ve always saved it if I ever saw Gale again. His nose grazes against mine. The memories of when we were younger come flashing back, the big tree in the field we used to play in. My arms getting goose bumps, incomparable with any other feeling in the world. It felt untouchable. We break away and I instantly have a huge smile on my face. “Clove, Cato, Marvel, get over here!” I shout out.

Cato’s PoV

Clove looked really joyful for Glimmer. Starry eyed, she runs over to them and starts fan-girling with Glimmer. I hear Marvel sighing heavily.

“Uhh… What’s wrong?” I ask.

“I’m not going to see Kayla anymore.” He says sadly.

“I’m sure you will her again, soon.” I reassure. “Come on, Glimmer called us.” We both walk over to them quickly.

After Clove and Glimmer had stopped squealing together Gale introduces himself. Of course, we already knew him.

“Glimmer really does shine, especially around Gale.” Clove whispers to me. Marvel and I nod in agreement.

“This is Clove, my best friend, Cato her fiancée and also my friend and Marvel, my district partner and other best friend.” She says with a giant smile.

“Hi, nice to meet you all. Thanks Clove for saving her from the tracker jackers. I can’t believe I liked Katniss now.” He says.

“You’re welcome.” Clove says.

“Wait… you liked Katniss?” I interrupt.

“That-“ Clove stops herself and coughs.

Glimmer’s mouth dropped open. “She nearly killed me! She killed Cato and Marvel!”

“Exactly why I don’t like her anymore…” He says.

“Bye everyone. I’m leaving now, sorry.” Marvel says sadly while walking away and looking at the ground.

“I guess we’ll go too.” I say. “Good night, lovebirds!” I tease.

Once they left into the District 1 section, to Glimmer’s house, I glance at Clove and smirk.

“What are you thinking of?” She crosses her arms.

I don’t answer; I just simply pick her up and throw her over my shoulder.

“Put me down!” She giggles while punching my back gently.

“Not until you say yes!” I laugh.

“Say yes to what?” She asks, still giggling.

“Let’s get married.” I say.

“Are you serious?” She says while I put her down when we reach our house.

“Yes, I’m dead serious.”

“Why though? I mean I would love to but I’m only 15.”

“So? I don’t want to lose you again.”

“How would we plan it though?”

“I’m sure we’ll figure something out!”

“I guess so.”

“So marry me?”

“Yes!” she says while laughing.

I open the windows, letting the wind blow in. The stars all aligned, it was amazing. Clove was curled up in the blanket, still with her eyes opened. I cuddle up next to her, with her head on my chest. We stare into the ceiling and the moon while I play with her fingers. I yawn once more then kiss her on the forehead then fall into a deep sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night. I almost forgot, it was Clove’s birthday in 2 weeks. Maybe I could get other tributes to help me plan the wedding for her birthday. The sun was coming up now; I didn’t know how long I was thinking for. I move slowly and carefully, trying my best not wake Clove up. I walk out and change my clothes and go to Marvel’s house. Hopefully he was awake otherwise I would be stuck outside in the cold. I knock on the door and wait for a few minutes; I hear footsteps and the door unlocking.

“Hi.” He yawns.

“I have some news. Clove and I are going to get married.”

“I predicted that. You should get Glimmer to help you, I’m no good with stuff.”

“Okay then.” I say while I hear something behind me.

“Good morning.” A voice says.

I didn’t really recognise it but I thought it was Gale.

“Oh, hey Gale.” Marvel says.

I smile at him and ask, “Is Glimmer awake?”

“Nope. Why?”

“I need to ask her a favour.”

“I’m sure she’ll be awake soon.”

“I never got to ask, but how do you know about this place?” Marvel asks.

“I accidentally went here a few years ago and I figured I would stay here, after I found out Glimmer was in the Games.”

“Why didn’t you tell anyone about it?”

“Because President Snow threatened to execute me if I did.”

“That’s too bad then.” Marvel replies.

“I’m going to check on Clove. Bye guys.” I say while walking off.

A Thousand Years. (A Clato Fan Fiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now