Chapter 18 "Planning the Wedding"

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Chapter 18 “Planning the Wedding.”

Clove’s PoV

There was smoke everywhere, I’m terrible at cooking, and I don’t even know why I tried it. I hear the door open and a figure coming through the smoke.

“Um… I made breakfast?” I say nervously.

He walks over and looks at the food.

“Don’t bother eating it, it won’t taste-“

He interrupts me talking with crashing his lips against mine. To be honest, it scared me a bit. I kissed him back though, his fingers playing with the ends of my hair. It felt like being thrown around in the ocean, with waves crashing around on the rocks. My eyes were still open but I slowly closed them, getting lost in a daydream.

He pulls away, his eyes gazing beautifully into mine and says, “I will like anything you make.”

“Am I interrupting something?” Glimmer says as she pops out of nowhere.

“Gale told me you needed to see me.” She adds.

“Yeah I did. I’ll be right back Clover.” He says while kissing me on the forehead. I wonder what they were talking about, probably the wedding. Glimmer told me she loved weddings so she could probably plan it for me… I look at the food; hmm… maybe this doesn’t taste so bad. I take a spoonful and brace myself for the disgusting taste. I start chewing and realise it didn’t taste that bad. I laugh at myself after swallowing it. Cato walks back after finishes his conversation with Glimmer. He takes some of the food I made and starts chewing on it.

“I’m not joking, this actually tastes good.” He says after swallowing a spoonful.

“Thanks.” I say while pecking him on the lips. I decide to walk around the house until he finished eating. I open a cupboard and found his guitar, the one he played the song for me with on the night we got engaged. I knew how to play guitar too so an idea popped up in my head…

I walk back to check on Cato. “If you want more people to come to our wedding we should go talk to everyone in person because we kind of killed most of them…” I say while putting his plate away.

“Yeah we should I guess.”

He puts his arm protectively around my waist and I rest my head against his arm. We walk out to every district to talk to everyone. Luckily enough they would come but a moment we have both been dreading, District 11.

Cato is squeezing my hand tightly, so tight that it hurt. His palms were sweating. I take one deep breath and knock on the door. I take one last glance at Cato, he gulps something down nervously.

“It’s going to be okay. They wouldn’t hurt us because they would never win.” I say reassuringly.

Rue opens the door slightly and peers at the side. I smile a little, trying not to scare her. Since I was so short without bending down, I just move a little closer and whisper, “Shh… We’re not here to hurt you, just to talk to you.”

Her eyes were wide; I could tell she was scared. “Can you get Thresh for me?” I ask in a sweet voice. She nods and runs into the house quickly. I look back up to Cato and say, “You’re the one that needs to talk to Thresh, not me.”
“I know, I know.” He says while smiling. Thresh opens the door a lot wider while Rue clutches onto his arm. My stomach went into knots as flashbacks come back of Thresh slamming me into the wall of the Cornucopia. I had nightmares of that every night now.

A Thousand Years. (A Clato Fan Fiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now