Chapter 14 "Vengeance" {Edited}

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Cato’s PoV

Walking back to our tree without her beside me is the hardest thing I have ever done.  

By now, I’ve stopped crying, but there is a constant pain in the pit of my heart. There is nothing left of me, no more tears, no more love. I’m just…nothing. Aching everywhere, I continue to walk back.

The sky isn’t too dark, with a gleam of sunlight over the blurry stars and clouds. Clove would’ve loved this. Violet, orange and pink beyond us, in a perfect array across the sky. But all I can see is a crimson sky, burning red with bloodlust for the man that killed her, the man that took away what everything that I could’ve loved. Thresh.

Seizing my sword off the ground, swinging my backpack on, I embark on my vengeance, picturing the way it will feel to kill him.  Panting, finally feeling the pressure of Clove’s death, I break down, collapsing in a seizure of emotions. Everything, every memory, every touch, every kiss, just everything about her comes flooding back. I remember her laugh when she beat me, her smile when we stole glances from each other, the first time we met, and it was horrible because she’s gone. I could not hold onto the memories. The more I try to picture her, the more I forget what she looks like.                                                                          


If killing Thresh will let me keep my memories, I will not hesitate to do it. 

Howling, the wind snaps branches, letting them tumble in a cacophony behind me. A fire crackles near the river, popping glowing rocks.



I can hear his footsteps.


I can taste his blood.


I am ready to kill him.

His dark eyes turn to me, glaring, knowing my business there, his swarthy skin glistening in the moonlight. Still picking at the fire, he continues to ignore me, brushing me off with a scoff. Thresh finally stands up after a few moments, scooping up his curved sword. He wipes the sweat on his upper lip, the fire glowering onto his face. I can see his determination, but also his intimidation. And to be frank, I’m scared out of my mind too. He’s the only person in the games that could ever defeat me.

Still frowning in disgust, he scorns, “What do you want?”

A sly smile twists into my face, the anger inside flaring up. “I want you to pay for what you have done.” My grip tightens around the handle of my sword, my lip twitching with hatred.

“What I have done? You and your stupid ally killed an innocent girl!” he retaliates accusingly.

“I did not kill her. But she died quickly. Just a flicker of pain, her dignity still intact. How long did you really think that girl could survive anyway?”

“I had hoped she would’ve hidden until you Careers killed each other, but no, I had to go kill one of you myself.”

“That one Career you killed was my fiancée!” I cry out.

“As if you could love.”

“All I wanted was to go home with her, or at least let her die painlessly. And you ruined that.” I clench my teeth, retaining my fury. “I loved her until the end of days, and you will never find that love in your life, you bastard,” I hiss the word ‘bastard’.

“You killed an innocent girl. She had her whole life ahead of her! You wasted yours learning how to kill people like that, you murderer,” he spits.

“Cl-Clove was an innocent! And you whacked her over the head, with a rock, ‘till she bled to death. How am I the murderer here?” I struggle to say her name.

My wrath erupts. Slashing my sword like a maniac, I manage to leave a few gashes on his body. I throw a fistful into his face, feeling the ridge of his jaw impacting my knuckles with a loud crack. His boot thumps against my hollow stomach, causing me to stagger backwards, gasping for air. With the adrenaline pumping and blood rushing, I wipe the sweat of my forehead as Thresh stands up. Thresh, with shaky and clammy hands, begins to throw his arms in the air, oscillating the sword at me. I grunt when he manages to lacerate me across the thigh, leading to his almost victory of bashing me into a tree. With his curved sword in one hand, and the other holding my neck in place, he lifts up the sword. Thresh’s eyes are bloodshot and merciless, ravenous for my blood to be spilt.

But I’m not going to let him take this away.

I jab him in the gut, causing him to hunch over, spitting out phlegm. The bone of my elbow strikes him in the temples, his body hurtling over sideways. Landing on top of him, I search for the small knife Clove had desired to use to kill Katniss.

“Clove was my one and only love. Her dream was to kill with this knife, and I will fulfil this for her.” I grind my teeth together, clamping the knife more tenaciously.

“You’re sick,” he growls.

Tracing the knife along his chest, I stab it in, right in the sternum. Thresh cries out, his blood spreading all over clothes, pooling over the side.

“No, I will not kill you this way,” I tease, pulling the knife out harshly, as he bellows. “This is Clove’s wish, not mine to take. Stand up.”

Holding my sword in front of his neck, leading him to the river, kick him into the mud.

I can feel my eyes, insane and dilated as I finally get my revenge.

“Just one more thing before your last moments.” I sneer as I kneel next to his bleeding body. Thresh sobs and groans, the blood still pulsing out of his chest. With my foot using his back as leverage, I haul his arm backwards. Thresh continues to bawl as I await the final crack.  His arm turns limp at the disfigurement.

“Any last words?” I tilt my head back, laughing at his suffering.

“Just get it over with,” he surrenders, “I want to die with the pride of knowing I’m not a complete, insane, serial killer.”

“Thank you…for the compliment,” I leer, holding the back of his neck.

“Please, let it be quick.”

I chuckle, ridiculing him even further.

“That’s not what I planned.”

“Kill me!” he shouts, blood spilling over his thick, pink lip.

“I want you to feel the pain of dying slowly. Just like Clove did.”

“I’m sorry! Don’t let these people do this to you! Let me die quickly!”

“No!” I snap, pushing his head into the river. Bubbles arise from his protests, as my grip tightens around his head. His working arm flails around, his legs thrashing. I howl with laughter while he shivers with the knowledge of death.

“Goodbye, Thresh,” I say, as his body turns limp.

A Thousand Years. (A Clato Fan Fiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now