Chapter 19 "The Special Day"

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Clove’s PoV

My eyes slowly fluttered open. I pull the blanket over me and groan. So tired, I think while I yawn. I was forgetting something but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Morning, Clover.” Cato says while I spin my head in his direction.

“Back at you, Cato.” I say while smiling.

“What’s the time?” He asks randomly.

I raise my eyebrow but answer, “Seven twenty two.”

He curses something and then says hurriedly, “We’re going to be late!”

“For…?” I say stupidly.

“Our wedding!” He says frantically while gathering his suit quickly.

I gasp, how could I forget that? God, I’m stupid. The most important day of my life and I forget. How wonderful.

“Oh yeah, happy birthday too.” He says while bending down and leaning towards me. Before I can say anything his lips are against mine. It wasn’t a proper kiss, more of a rushed one but I didn’t care, it was still a kiss.

“Bye, love you.” I say quickly while he leaves. My birthday? What? I check the date, it IS my birthday. Thresh must’ve slammed me into the Cornucopia hard that I keep forgetting important details of my life.

I hear a burst of laughter and giggles outside. I go to the door and open it. Emera, Glimmer and Rue are waiting there with huge grins on their face. “Time to get you glammed up for your big day!” Emera says cheerfully.”

“Breakfast first.” Rue says cheekily.

“I’m not cooking. I suck at it.” I quickly say.

“Leave that to me.” Glimmer says while walking to the kitchen.

After Glimmer had made breakfast we all gather around the giant dining table and chatter excitedly about my wedding. The food was delicious and filled me up. They take me to my room and put me on a chair in front of my elegant looking mirror.

“Actually, we need to get you in your dress first.” Emera says while thinking. They leave the room to give me some privacy to change my clothes. I slide down my pants and pull my tank top off. I slip into my dress, which I picked out a few days ago. It was white with a light purple tinge. It was tight around my waist and hips to compliment my shape, or curves. It flowed out as it went down to the bottom. The material of the dress was mostly lace and it was very expensive yet free. My favourite thing about was the diamonds; yes diamonds, riding up from the bottom of the dress to the top on one side making a very picturesque pattern. It was strapless and a perfect fit but my arms couldn’t reach my back.

“A little help here?” I scream out and Glimmer comes barging in to help me.

Rue and Emera’s eyes widen in amazement.

“OMG! You look so pretty!” Rue says sweetly.

“You- uh- I… Cato will love you in this!” Emera stutters.

“Hurry up and sit down!” Glimmer says while laughing.

I listen to her and walk to the chair and sit down on it. After what it felt like hours I open my eyes, prepared for what I was about to see. I look at myself, my jaws open.

“Glad you like it.” Glimmer giggles.

My hair was gorgeous. It was curled perfectly and on one side, with a French fishtail braid on the back of my head.

“One last thing,” Rue says while putting something in my hair, “there. Perfect now.” It was a dainty tiara, she put it in so that it was tilted and more to one side of my head. It actual made the look more original and unique.

A Thousand Years. (A Clato Fan Fiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now