Chapter 16 "The Unknown District."

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Cato’s PoV

Where am I? Actually, how am I still alive? I’m really confused. All my limbs were still here and I had no wounds. What were the Hunger Games then? I kept questioning myself and I see President Snow.

“Welcome to District 22, where all the fallen tributes live until their actual death.” He greets. “No one knows about this place, except the Capitol and a young man called Gale.”

I stare at him in disbelief.

“If you don’t believe me, take a look outside.”

“A question. Is it just the fallen tributes from the 74th Hunger Games or from all of them?”

“Just the 74th Hunger Games, they normally just die naturally or get killed by other tributes.”

“Oh okay.” I answer while walking out.

The place was beautiful and separated into twelve different parts. It had a forest around it and it was the exact opposite as what people normally say about it. I look at the place with the District 2 symbol on it; it had mountains and a small amount of stone buildings. It was a small village and had one house, probably where I would live, but where was everyone else? I take a glance around District 22, for any other tributes. I saw Thresh and Rue, looking happier than ever, in each other’s arms in the District 11 section. There was Robert and the fox-looking girl laughing together and holding hands. I felt ecstatic about this place, but there was one thing missing, Clove. I decided to visit Marvel in the District 1 section, which was right next to where I was. The clouds were getting darker and ice-cold raindrops where sprinkling on my face. Suddenly; Glimmer, Marvel and Clove start walking out one of the luxurious houses while laughing. My vision was starting to blur as my eyes started to water from tears of joy. Its been so long not seeing Clove in her human form and actually alive!

She starts running to my, her hair flying wildly behind her back. She had a wide-eyed gaze and she was also crying of joy. I put my hands on her waist and lift her up. I can hear and feel a million little shining stars around us. This is the happiest I have ever been in my life. We spin around, laughing until our lips press hard against each other. I lose my balance and fall to the ground. She lands on top of me, our lips remaining together. I felt like I was on Cloud Nine, it was out of the ordinary. Astounding, the way our two hearts always beats as one. I can feel the rain getting heavier, her hair getting drenched. I could hear Glimmer screaming, as she didn’t like her hair getting wet. I ignored it, this feeling so powerful, so supernatural, miraculous and truly tremendous. Even after our lips parted, it was perfect, when I stared gently into her eyes. Our foreheads touching, her lips so tempting.

“I think we should head inside now?” she laughs.

“I guess we should!” I reply, also laughing.

Clove’s PoV

Kisses in the rain, blazing and impassioned. I have always dreamed of it and I just had one, with Cato. The rain felt like tiny pieces of glass on my body, it was freezing now that I just entered the real world, out of my mind and dreams. Cato extended his arm out and I reach for it. He helps me up and we walk back to our new home, hand in hand.

I never really had a look at our home; I’ve mostly been staying with Glimmer. All her belongings were there, so I figured Cato’s and my belongings would be here too. The Gamemakers must’ve figured out we were together because we got one house instead of two. It wasn’t really a house, more like mansion because District 2 was very rich. It was gorgeous, I needed a spare change of clothes before I made the place too wet. I run to a room that had all of my clothes in, Cato walked in there with me because his clothes were here too. The shelves were tall which wasn’t very convenient for me. I start going on my toes and struggle to get what I needed. Cato got changed and started laughing at me.

“It’s not funny you know?” I say, frustrated.

“Need a little help, shorty?” he teases while touching the tip of my nose. He easily reaches up and gets my clothes, then throws it to me.

“Easy enough.” He says with a grin.

“I hate the fact that you’re way taller than me.”

“Don’t feel bad, there’s an advantage in it.”

“What?” I ask curiously.

“When I hug you, you can listen to my heart which only beats for you.”

I smile then kiss him on the cheek. “Get out now, I got to change.”

“Okay okay, I’m leaving.” He answers while walking out.

The rain just got heavier as time went by. We were cuddled up on the couch while we watch the 74th Hunger Games again. It was all just traumatizing experience now. I never want to go back there again, even if the adrenaline of killing someone was awesome. I missed throwing knives though, I wondered if they had any weapons here because District 2 normally made them. I hear a knock and guessed it was probably Glimmer or Marvel.

“Hi Marvel!” I say in delight.

“Hey Clove. Where’s Cato?” he asks.

“On the couch, where’s Glimmer?”

“Umm… I think she’s doing her hair.” He mumbles.

“Of course she is.” I laugh a bit.

I wait at the door, hoping to see Glimmer. She finally turned up, with her hair nicely curled.

“Took you long enough.” I roll my eyes jokingly.

We walk over to join Cato and Marvel’s conversation.

“Glimmer, did you hear about Gale knowing this place?” Cato asks. Even I didn’t know about that, I wonder how Glimmer feels about it.

“But… What?” She says in shock. “Gale is here?! Who told you?”

“Umm… President Snow.” He answers.

“Would he be here now?” She says while running to a window.

She squeals. “Oh my god. He’s there!”

I run over to the window, there he was. He was actually here; I couldn’t wait to meet him. After what Glimmer said about him, he seemed like a pretty good guy. I grab Cato’s hand and chase after her, stopping near the door.

A Thousand Years. (A Clato Fan Fiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now