ᴛᴡᴏ; ᴀᴄᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛᴀʟ

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°ᴛᴡᴏ; ᴀᴄᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛᴀʟ°

"You should take 10, Hanse.." The Choreographer says.

Tired breaths slipped from me. "Hanse?" I lifted my head from the random voice that called, Seungwoo stood there smiling but I didn't make any emotion since I'm not really messing with the rest of VICTON at the moment.

"Can't you see that I'm practicing?" I bluntly stated.

I stood from the floor. "You can't stay mad at us..." I scoffed before pushing him towards the practice room door, he stood in the doorframe with crossed arms as I stared at him.

"I can stay mad all I want." The door slammed.

Seungwoo walked away from the practice room. "Is everything alright?" The older man questioned, I sighed before hesitantly nodding then we ended up going back to the Choreography we've been practicing for the past 3 hours.

After that whole altercation with Sejun, I took the members then talked to them but they seemed it was best if I had left the group to keep us from arguing with each other. When they all decided that I should leave I felt like my heart was cracked open even more.

But I went with their decision. I'm now a solo artist, I'm on a different floor than them since I don't wanna have anymore arguments with anyone else besides me, myself, and I.


"See you tomorrow!" I say.

The man waved at me before I turned around to see someone that I didn't wanna see. "Hey, Hanse~" Sejun taunted before walking inside the building that I was coming out of, I scoffed then hopped into the car that brought me here.

I stared out the window. "Are you okay?" Manager asked, I looked towards him with slight teary eyes but still assured him that everything was okay.

He lightly smiled before leaving the company. "You cut out a piece of me and now I'm bleeding internally..." I quietly sang to myself, the rain poured down the car window which made the atmosphere even better for me.


"Hanse?" Someone called.

I slowly opened my eyes. "We're at home.." I looked out the window to see that I was sitting in front of the luxury apartment, I slightly smiled before taking my bag then hopping out the car just for Manager to slowly drive off.

"The last place I call home." I murmured.

Tired yawns appeared before I began to waltz up the apartment stairs. I opened the door for everything to be the same cold, dark, and empty like its always been ever since.

"Alexa! Play Without You, by the Kid Laroi." The device listened.

As the song played I walked through the house doing my normal routine that I always do. "So here you go-o, can't make a wife out of a hoe-o..." I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth while the song made itself echo throughout the whole apartment.

But everything ended when someone called me. "Hello?" The voice of the Choreographer came through the phone, he wanted to tell me that I had a off day tomorrow since he had some family stuff to attend to which I didn't mind.

"I don't mind." I felt the man smile through the phone, I chuckled before we ended our call then I went back to listening to my song while I brushed my teeth at the same time.


"Leave then!" Sejun said.

Sniffles went through the phone before I ended our call. "I'll leave then.." I stood from the couch then stomped towards the bedroom to change into something more comfortable since its raining outside right now.

" I stood from the couch then stomped towards the bedroom to change into something more comfortable since its raining outside right now

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"Hope he has an extra key.." I angerly muttered.

Small tears fell before I skipped down the stairs of the apartment that I shared with Sejun. The rain came down while I walked down the streets of Korea, but there was still some tears that I was holding in since I'm really sad.

"Hey, Mercedes!" The bookstore clerk greeted.

I lifted my head then delivered him a broken smile. "Hi.." His face scrunched up when he seen the upset expression on my face, he walked towards me then landed his hands on my shoulder to comfort me since there wasn't anyone else.

But everything stopped when we heard the bell at the top of the door toll.

"Uh... excuse me..."

𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄; 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐃✔Where stories live. Discover now