ꜰᴏᴜʀ; ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛꜱ

619 21 4

°ꜰᴏᴜʀ; ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛꜱ°

"You wanna talk?" I asked.

Mercedes hummed for response, I looked around before realizing that she'd actually be the first person to ever step foot into this apartment of mine.

"Sure!" I exclaimed.


After Hanse agreed that I could come over, I climbed out the bed then headed towards the bathroom that connected to the bedroom.

After Hanse agreed that I could come over, I climbed out the bed then headed towards the bathroom that connected to the bedroom

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I waltzed towards the front door.


"Hanse, I'm cold!" I whined.

Another hard breeze brushed past me. "Sese!" He opened the door after minutes of me standing out here about to die from frostbite, I pushed him out the way then immediately walked around the house looking for the thermostat.

"You really wore biker shorts?" He asked.

I turned around to see that he was shirtless. "I wanted to hurry.." Hanse awed before letting the oversized black shirt slide down his torso, I made myself comfortable by kicking off my shoes then settling down on the couch.

"Can I spend the night?" I randomly questioned.

Hanse's eyes widened when he heard that. "Why?" Hanse's face became blurry from the tears that coming around the corner, I didn't wanna cry at the moment but thinking about everything I've been through with Sejun really hurts me to the core.

"He took the house keys from me!" I sobbed.

He tightly embraced me. "You can stay over..." Sniffles repeatedly came from me before coming from out our embrace, Hanse wiped the overflowing tears but everything around me stopped when he his lips touched mines.

The kiss became more intense until I decided to finally straddle him. "You sure?" He asked after breaking our kiss, I quickly nodded before connecting our lips once more while he let his hands roam the sides of my waist.

I gasped for breath when I felt him attach himself to some sweet spots on my neck. "H-Hanse~" He hummed for response before I ended up feeling him take grasp onto my ass, I couldn't believe that I'm doing this with someone different than Sejun.

"Please..." I begged.

He came up. "You've became more freakier overtime." I chuckled before he delivered me another make-out session, Hanse slipped the shirt off me then began to head down to attack my chest with even more of his love bites.

Hanse took off the bra that covered my breast, he trailed his kisses around one of the nipples while he teased the other to arouse me even more.

His name slipped from me multiple times from the small pleasure that I was receiving. When he stopped I whined from the feeling of him not being there anymore, Hanse smirked at me before looking down at the gray sweatpants that he wore.

"You've received, now give.." He demanded.

He stood from the couch then dropped the sweatpants down to his ankles. My eyes widened when I seen the bulge sitting inside his tight briefs, I gulped before pulling the underwear down just for his genital to spring out in my face.

Hanse quietly groaned after he felt my tongue touch the tip. "Fuc-" Before he could finish his curse word I ended up taking the whole length into my mouth, he repeatedly groaned as he fucked the back of my throat.

After a while I ended up feeling himself twitch inside, the more I sucked the more Hanse became closer to his limit.

The warm seeds finally exploded themselves into my mouth. "Good girl." He examined the fucked out face I had, after I swallowed he bridal styled picked me up then took us both towards his bedroom.

I sprawled out on the bed watching every move that Hanse made around the room, he came back up to me with a condom package in his mouth while he had handcuffs hanging off his index finger.

"Ass up, face down." He spouted.

Hanse is better than Sejun, he's bigger too.

The cuffs were now around my wrists. "You're already wet for me.." The slight wind passed my vagina which made me slightly whine, Hanse chuckled before I ended up feeling him push himself inside of me.

A loud moan escaped from me after he took ahold of my hair. "Damn, you're tight!" He exclaimed before he began to hit the spot that made me go crazy, moans echoed throughout the bedroom until I became closer to my climax.

Hanse pulled out then flipped me over before roughly pushing himself back into me. "Did you really miss me?" I nodded, he shoved his face into the crook of my neck to send more of his love kisses on those same sweet spots.

I've really did miss him...

𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄; 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐃✔Where stories live. Discover now