Love of Madness (Anne Weying, aka She-Venom)

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Anne Weying was in her apartment, her blue eyes reflecting fear and desperation. She sobbed silently, shaking slightly as she positioned her legs near her chest. She hugged her legs, sobbing once more as she didn't even want to even move from her position.

"Anne~ We know you want it~" Anne opened her eyes slightly in fear as she looked at the door. The room was pitch black, as she didn't allow any kind of light to even make it inside of her apartment. Temptation had been everywhere, and she didn't want to keep on hurting people. "Just go to the door, deary~ We know you won't regret it"

"No..." She muttered, her voice was shaky. But even as she responded in a negative way, her body was already moving towards the door. She was trembling all the way, her hand shaking uncontrollably. But as she started to get the handle of the door in her grasp, she managed to get control once more and retreated her hand back.

"Why don't you understand, Anne~ We are doing it for your own good~" Anne shook her head, tears dripping down her cheeks and into the carpets. She was already bonded with the symbiote inside of her, something that had traumatized her beyond belief. She wanted a way out, but now she didn't even have a choice but to live with the symbiote inside of her, and it made her fear not only for her son, Dylan, but for everyone around her.

"You... You killed Ed-"

"Wrong! Brock decided to let himself be killed! And we didn't want to die, so we left him to find you~" Anne had heard it before, but she had never believed in the words that the symbiote had told her. She had escaped from reality, only to trap herself in a prison of her own making. But deep inside, she knew that she wanted to be outside once more. "We need to see him once more~"

"No... I don't want to hurt him..." She whispered a bit, her cheeks gaining a rosy tint to them. She had received many memories from the symbiote bonded to her, and she was very shocked when she found out that the symbiote was in love with Spider-Man, or Peter Parker as the symbiote had informed her. "Not him... Plea-"


Anne stopped talking, her head looking towards the door once more as she had fear and confusion all over her face. She was not expecting anyone to come to visit her anytime soon, and the only one that would willingly visit her were her parents, who were taking care of Dylan right now. So the fear and confusion increased, but she stood up once more and headed towards the door again. Deciding to look through the eye hole, Anne was shocked to see the man that the Symbiote was in love with.

"Yes~" Anne was shaking uncontrollably as she could see the symbiote trying to cover her completely. She started to breathe rhythmically, calming her heart down so she could control her symbiote once more. She had been dealing with it for more than six months now, and she was not going to let it control her again. "Parker~"

"I..." She started to say, trying to convince herself to not open the door. But even she knew that she was going to end up opening the door to the man that had conquered her symbiote's feelings, and who was manipulating her into falling in love with the man... And she could honestly say that it had worked to perfection.

So she ended up opening the door, revealing that the man right outside her apartment was also holding a bouquet of red and white roses. She could feel her heart accelerate quite a bit, the blush on her face becoming a tad bit darker. Her hand was still shaky, but she could see just how the presence of the man in front of her had calmed her down quite a bit.

"Hey, Anne..." Peter Parker said, a preoccupied look on his face as he looked over the short blonde haired woman in front of him. He was really worried about her, having received a call from Dylan Brock, the son of his former enemy Edward Brock, that his mother hadn't picked him up from his grandparents' house. "Are you alright?"

"M-Me? Of course... Y-You want to come inside?" Her stutter made the man chuckle a bit. She watched carefully just how the younger men entered her apartment, placing the bouquet of roses on the nearby table. Her eyes never left his body as her eyes shined with desire. The symbiote inside of her manipulates her even further, though she was actually letting herself be manipulated at this very moment. She could honestly say that Peter was very handsome.

"Anne... I'm worried about you... and so is Dylan..." Peter approached the blonde haired woman but his eyes noticed just how she moved backwards a bit, which prompted him to stop. "I know that Eddie's death may still hurt you on the inside... But that is no reason to ignore those who care for you..." Peter took only one step forward, watching carefully the reactions of Anne Weying. He noticed that she didn't move back this time around, so he kept approaching her slowly. "Please... Tell me... what is going on?"

"I... I can't..." Anne's fear answered, her eyes looking everywhere but at the man in front of her. She didn't want to hurt others just as she had done so in the past when the symbiote had controlled her. It was the only reason why she hadn't left her apartment and why she was barely getting any amount of sleep. "I... We... I d-don't want to hurt others..."

"It's Venom... isn't it?" She moved her face, her breath hitching quite a bit as she took a step back at the name. It had been a name that had traumatized her quite a bit. And while she always hears the voice in her head, hearing the name of the symbiote inside of her always made her return back into the abyss she had escaped from. "Anne... Venom won't harm you... Not while I'm here..."

"How... How can you be so certain?" She needed a way to return to her normal life. She had never trusted the symbiote inside of her. It was nerve wracking to see Peter actually trusting in her when she had Venom bonded to her. "The only thing it does it kill!" Anne couldn't help it any longer. Her hands moved to the sides of her head, clutching her face a bit as her traumas resurfaced. "I don't want-"

"Because Venom is infatuated with me" Peter interrupted her, moving his hand towards her teary face. His fingers caressed her cheek, removing the tears that were falling down. He could see just how her eyes were looking straight at him, a look of disbelief on her face. But deep down, Peter could see the glimmer of hope that her eyes had.

"Parker~ You are ours~" Anne heard the inner voice of Venom, and could only be more surprised by the alien's statement. Peter's words were true. She would go out of her way to day that the alien would do anything the hero would tell it to do. But since it had always been attached to someone who hated the arachnid, like her ex-husband, it would always lash out. "Kiss him, Anne~ We know you want to~"

"So don't worry about-" Anne didn't let the arachnid hero finish his words, when her lips made contact with his own. She moaned into it, feeling the man reacting to their kiss. Her hands roamed through the back of the younger man, feeling each and every muscle in his body. Their kiss ended quite quickly, but it felt like an eternity had transcurred during their kiss. "Anne..."

"You are ours, Spider~ Now and forever~" Anne hissed seductively, kissing him once more. She had accepted the feelings that Venom had trespassed onto her. And she now knew that Peter would stop Venom from using her body to do more killing. She knew that the arachnid hero would help her in any way possible, and that she would be able to see her son once more. She saw a light of hope in Peter Parker, a light that she was not letting go anytime soon. And maybe he would be the step-father that Dylan needed in his life.

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