college? what's that?

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posting drafts or former one-shots from other works here. enjoy them! :)

(oh, and stay tuned, i might start a new book soon. who knows?)

- em :) x


"I swear, if I have to do another one of these discussion forums again, I might just drop this course. Who says I need the credit anyways?" I exasperate, chewing the back of my pen as I stare blankly at the screen in front of me.

Online school, what a joke.

"According to you, the requirements to graduate say you need the credit," Camila answers, a small snort leaving her as she glances at me from across the study table.

"Well gee, thanks for the obvious, Captain!" Camila shrugs and leans back in her chair, raising an eyebrow at me.

"You asked," she replied.

"You know I didn't need a literal - you know what, just shush. I need to get through this and then I can have some peace of mind for the rest of the day."

"Does peace of mind entail a surf session?" she wonders aloud, now a smirk present on her lips. Way to seal the deal, you charmer.

"Possibly. That's persuasion enough, I guess..." Narrowing my eyes at her from over my computer screen, I acknowledge her excited expressions before I got to typing some bullshit answer. Making apparent observations somehow passes in this course and I can't complain. I turn everything on time and don't ask many questions - professors never have anything bad to say about me. I've kept a good streak since the second grade. Kindergarten and first grade were the real learning stages.

About an hour passed and I slam my screen shut, which caused Camila's eyes to widen, her hand flying to her chest. "Jesus!"

"Guess whaaaaaat? I'm doooooone," I sing excitedly.

"I would have never of guessed," Camila deadpanned. Her features softened before gathering her books to toss them into her bag.

"Surf sesh now?"

I nod. "Surf sesh now."


Has anybody ever told anyone how uncomfortable wet suits can be? Because they should. It should be a warning before investing the energy to slip into them. Not to mention, London's waters aren't the most compelling bodies to surf in, let alone swim. For reasons as to why Camila managed to pull me out here, I don't have a clue. It was just easy to agree with anything she suggests these days.

"Could've picked a warmer day to go out, y'know. I would've been equally happy to spend some time in the apartment. Watch a movie, play some music, that sort of thing. Like any sane person would want to do after hours of studying and picking at the very few brain cells left in their noggin' but noooooo!"

Camila looks at me with a roll of her eyes. "You could've said no, but you didn't. So ha, this is on you!"

"Whatever. Last one to catch a wave is buying the other one dinner!" I say hurriedly, kicking up some sand at Camila's feet before dashing my way towards the water. The moment the sensation of cold water hit me, a shiver shot up my spine like a train. Somehow, I managed to ignore it - if anything, it was refreshing, like a cup of coffee when the sun was just cracking past the horizon in the early mornings.

I could hear the distant "no fair" coming from Camila but I pretended to not hear it, paddling out into the waves to notice a larger group of surfers lounging and waiting for a wave. Eventually, I could hear Camila come up from behind me and the two of us just let the smaller waves sweep past underneath us. Moments like these provided some clarity for me, and no matter how stubborn I am to them at first, it always helps in the end.

"I don't think the deal you proposed earlier is a good one," Camila nonchalantly says, breaking the comfortable silence between us. Her legs dangling off the side of her board as her arms were crossed over her chest. I run a hand through my wavy tresses and tilt my head to the side, catching her glance my way.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I ask.

"Because I was already set on buying you dinner either way."

"We get it, CC. You're smooth," I joke, though Camila laughs, I could tell she meant it too. I give in and shake my head. "First of all, there's no way I'd let you. Second of all –..."

"See you later!" Camila shouts, her back to me now as she began paddling away.

"Hey! What -..."

"Wave!" someone shouted. I turned to find a large wave tumbling towards me, and before I could even try to catch it, I reluctantly make the choice to dive underneath it. It was a good wave too.

Once I resurfaced, I could see the top of Camila's head as she stood up, her board gliding along before she beat the wave from consuming her at the very end. She pumps her fists in the air as she plops down to straddle the board once more. Her hand waves out at me and I throw a thumbs-up back in her direction, a smile presently on my face to which she reciprocated.

I hate that she somehow gets her way with me. Dirty tricks but effective nonetheless. Sooner than later, another wave comes by after another, my muscles aching from all the paddling and standing. It was safe to call it a day as soon as dusk was nearing its end.


"If I didn't know any better," I began, running a towel through my hair as I stepped out from Camila's bathroom. "I would think you have a soft spot for me. I've got my own drawers here."

Camila rolled her eyes, peering at me from her bed as she had dug her face into a book she recently discovered at the local library. "How do you know it's a drawer made for you? All you know is that I have spares for everything," she teases. I gasp in feigned offense, reaching the backside of the bathroom door to hang up my towel. Camila sets her book down, stretching out her arms to beckon me towards her. And of course, I couldn't resist as I felt my muscles practically beg me to rest on the comfortable mattress.

"I'm a lot more tired than I thought," I admit. One of Camila's arms acted as my personal neck pillow, her other hand taking my hand to rest on her lap - her thumb delicately rubbing my knuckles. My eyes softened at the gesture, my head moving to rest in the space between her neck and shoulder. The rings that she wore made my heart swell, one of them being a gift from me when it was her twentieth birthday. I remember working extra shifts at the waitressing job I had in high school just to save up on the ring I had my eyes on for some time. The moment I saw it on a display, I knew I had to get it for Camila. That was before we pursued anything beyond our friendship.

Camila pressed an assuring kiss on my temple, her nose burying in my hair as we laid there together for a few, silent seconds. Moments like these were pure bliss. "Mmm, you hungry?" she asks. My eyes were closed and I didn't say anything for a moment.

"Starving," I replied. "Popcorn?"

"That is definitely not a full meal."

"Why have a meal when I have you?" I quip. Camila's heavenly laugh tugs at my heart string before she shakes her head.

"Smooth," she confesses.

"I know."

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