a new pre-new year tradition?

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smut. yep.


"I'm not so sure I'd like to go anywhere for New Year's this year," you admit, watching as your girlfriend, Camila, walks slightly ahead of you.

"Yeah, I get that. I think staying in would be a good change this year. In fact, I think what we need..." Camila begins, stopping at the front door of your shared apartment. Her body turned to face you as she unlocked the door with a turn of her key. A smirk played along her lips as she used the same hand to open the door, her other hand grabbing at the hem of your shirt. Simultaneously, she locks the door behind you after it clicked with a sound shut. "....is some time for us."

Intrigued by your girlfriend's change of tone, it came along with a change of atmosphere. Tempted by her efforts, you walk her backwards against the nearest wall, barely touching her as your hands rested on either side of her head. "Oh yeah? And what exactly did you have in mind?"

Innocently, Camila shrugged. "A few things..."

"Care to share?" you ask.

"Well," Camila trails off, chewing her plump, lower lip between her teeth. She watched as your eyes gazed upon the sight, the corner of her mouth twitching into a smirk. "It deals with you... Me, and the bedroom. With no clothes. Just amazingly, hot sex."

"Mm. That doesn't sound half bad. In fact, I'm beginning to think this'll be a tradition every year now, huh?" you breathe out, playing a small game to make the anticipation between Camila's legs become gruesomely more wet.

"I'd say to think of this as a resolution- a resolution to have more sex. Sort of like a pre-New Year resolution," Hastily, Camila leans forward to collide her lips against your's and immediately, you two were caught up in a passionate lip lock. Your hands thoroughly roamed the bottom portion of your girlfriend's body, sneaking them to her rear end and giving her bum a good squeeze. A moan escapes her, only spurring the tension between you two as you silence her with your own mouth. Camila's hands frantically tugged at the roots of your hair, her eyes shut as were your's– the two of you understanding each other's rhythms by instinct.

You pant heavily once the kiss was broken, your pupils dilated just by the pure sight of your breathtaking girlfriend. She was so sexy– the way her body was pinned against the wall, her hair a mess, her lips swollen. Your fingers took ahold of the silk blouse clung to Camila's torso, unbuttoning the clasps so the fabric was easy to discard to the floor. Your lips immediately found Camila's in a rush, your hands brushing against her inner thighs before lifting the ends of her skirt.

"I can't tell you how much I've been wanting to rip this off you since this afternoon," you admit breathily, your knuckles turning white from clutching at the material. Camila groaned, pushing you at your shoulders to remove the garment herself.

"Let's not waste any more time than we have already." As your body took a few steps back, Camila pressed a hand against your chest, eagerly switching positions so that now she had you pinned against the wall.

"So needy," you playfully tease, earning an amused grin from Camila. The latina soon shook her head, ridding both of the smiles on your faces. She closes the distance between your bodies, the combination of her warmth and your's turning the atmosphere into a much more sensual one. You couldn't hold back your desires and knowing Camila, she couldn't either. Your hands found the bottom of your t-shirt, pulling it over your head by crossing your arms at the front of your body.

Camila took the opportunity to stare in awe, watching as every tone and muscle of your body flexed from just the simple movement. She stepped forward, moving your head to lean back as she attached her lips to your neck. Her teeth delicately scraping at your skin, leaving reddened marks before reaching lower... and lower... and lower. Soon enough, she was on her knees, her big brown eyes peering up at you– filled with mischief, lust, desire, love, and everything else. You wanted this so badly.

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