i'll keep you safe & sound

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A pair of big, brown eyes peered right into mine, but the tears that sprung from the brim of them kicked my motherly instincts into action. Once recognizing my presence at the door of her classroom, the small girl ran in my direction, plummeting her lightweight body against my frame. Her arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and once our bodies met, the warmth shared between us seemed to reassure her that I was finally here to take her home. Her tiny hands squeezed at the hem of my shirt, tugging the soft material in her palms as her face buried against my stomach.

"Hey, hey... Mommy's here. What's wrong?" I asked, bringing a hand to comb at her silky, brunette hair. A few strands were sprawled in front of my daughter's face, and it broke my heart when I heard faint whimpers escape her tightly-shut lips. Frowning, I slowly detached her arms from my body so I could kneel down to level with her height, my hands caressing her damp cheeks. My thumbs wiped at the tears that trickled down her face, laying a sweet kiss on her forehead as I continued to comfort her with soft hushes. "Mariella, baby, can you tell me what happened? Why are you crying, honey?" I ask again. The hazel-eyed girl shook her head stubbornly, lunging forward to wrap her arms around my neck without a word. I sighed, securing my arms around her waist and lifting her off the ground to carry her.

"One of the other kindergarteners weren't playing very nice today during recess. Luckily no one was hurt," a feminine voice exclaimed. My attention was brought to a slender-waisted woman, clad in a black pencil skirt and a white button-up top. "She doesn't have any injuries, except a small scratch on her elbow but other than that, she's perfectly fine." Her gaze held mine as I slowly nodded in understanding, turning my head to lay another kiss against my daughter's head.

"Is that why you're crying, baby? Did something happen during playtime?" I muttered, earning a nod in response. I hum, swaying our bodies side to side to calm her distress. "Ms. Cabello," I began, the young looking woman glancing in my direction. "Thank you for taking care of her, I appreciate it. Where do I sign her out?" With a smile, the teacher gestured to a nearby table, adjacent to the entrance of the room. She handed me a pen, presenting a clipboard that had an entire list of all the children in the class. After penning my signature, I adjusted my hold on Mariella's rear, making sure she wouldn't fall out of my grip as I took ahold of her backpack and slung it around my shoulder.

"Bye, Mariella!" Ms. Cabello waved politely, the little girl peeking her head up to peer at the teacher. A shy smile crept on her rosy pink lips, one of her hands timidly reciprocating a wave in return. I grinned at the interaction, her arms returning to wrap loosely around my shoulders as we made our way to the door. After the both of us said one final goodbye, we exited the school's premises.

"C'mon, let's get home! I'll make us dinner and we can watch a movie. How does that sound?" I ask happily, pleased when I heard an ecstatic squeal from my daughter. She squirmed in excitement, attempting to free herself from my grip. "Woah there! Wait a minute, bug!" I chuckled, slowly lowering my daughter on her two feet. Once she made contact with the ground, her hand immediately tugged impatiently at mine, eventually letting go once we were a few feet away from our parked car.

"Momma! Hurry up, let's go! Come on!" Mariella squeaked, attempting to unlock the passenger door several times. I sighed in relief at her change in behavior, knowing she had already forgotten about the events that occurred earlier today. All I wanted for the beautiful girl was to be happy, and I was hoping with crossed fingers that, as a single mother, I was doing something right. Reluctantly, I unlocked the four-wheeled vehicle and watched as she scurried into her seat, buckling herself into her car seat, not even needing my help.

That's my girl.


not really related to camila, but this was in my archive! sorry for my inactivity.

part 2?

- em :) x

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