always running, always scared

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i. Camila Cabello


There's this folktale in my village - about a woman who courageously fought in a war against great evil and won. She wasn't just any warrior - she was a Vixen, a heroine that could inhibit the abilities of any animal on Earth. If she wanted to become an eagle, she'd have to use the power of the spirit amulet and imagine an eagle's majestic appeal, its strong wings... She could become anything, any animal. Mama tells me that there's no such power that exists, that it's just a children's story, that superheroes aren't real. But... there's something about how Mama told it that makes it hard not to believe.

My eyes are drawn to the row of evergreens and the crisp air - the occasional roar of a beast echoing in my ears. If I could search high and low for that amulet, perhaps our village wouldn't be so vulnerable. Decades ago, our village was attacked by fanged creatures - they wrecked our tents, killed many of our people. Ever since then, our village rebuilds over and over again, as if the attack had never happened. We're sitting ducks. Papa has always said that to protect ourselves, taking action is our best defense. He says that there are people out there in the world, people that carry these heavy weapons, and with a button it fires like an arrow - but it's stronger, a kind of weapon that kills on the spot. Many of our people aren't supportive of the idea so it's never been approved. But, that hasn't stopped my Papa. He always told me that to survive, one must be selfish in the face of danger. It is only your family you should protect and nobody else.

The last time I saw him was a week ago. He went with a group of our men and promised to return that night, not a word has been heard from him since.

Commotion startles me from my thoughts, a bellow of smoke escalating in the evening sky - intervening the beautiful sight of the sunset. Chaos. Standing to my feet, I hurriedly raced in and through nature, my hands blocking my face as I pushed my way through with all my might. Eyes widened, I couldn't believe the very sight in front of me. A horrid dread passed through me - our village has always been frightened of this day to come. The fanged creatures have returned.

I have to find Mama.

I cried out her name, trying to be louder than the commotion that surrounded me in flames. Once I turn the corner, a menacing pair of red eyes glares at me - blood dripping from the corners of its mouth. I never understood why the stories of the evil (and mystical) beasts never truly frightened me like all the other kids - it's either I don't have an active imagination or because I needed a wake-up call. This was it.

I scream and scream, kicking my feet against the dirt to try and stand on my feet. Fear rattled through my bones like a stranger in the dark. Escaping was not an available option so I readied myself. I was at the clutches of death - so close to succumb to unconsciousness.

That was, until I felt a screech escape from its mouth - fluttering my eyes open to watch as Mama loomed over me with worry in her eyes.

"Camila! I'm so glad you're okay," she said in relief, her body crouching down to briefly hug my shoulders. I reciprocated tightly, burying my face in her neck with small whimpers.

"Mama... I was so scared," I admit, mumbling my words. In a hurried minute, Mama pulls away and nods in understanding, bringing us both to our feet.

"We have to leave now, Camila."

I've never seen Mama so serious. She was so... dauntless. I couldn't understand where all of it stemmed from because all my life, I've only seen her as gentle.

"But Mama! What if Papa returns and we're not here?!" I ask frantically, my hands clung on her hips. Her hand caresses my head, attempting to soothe me even when death was happening all around us.

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