train rides

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"Man... Daniel Caesar is a gift from the gods..." you mutter, the blaring tunes echoing in your ears as you hustled your body around your very messy apartment. It wasn't because you were a messy person. Hell, you weren't considered to be messy at all. You just completely slept through the several alarms you had set up because of God knows what, and now you only had a couple of hours left to make it to a train station that was nearly an hour away. According to the traffic, it may take you longer– risking you of the paid ticket you had in your pocket, and the pointless, frantic packing you had tried to finish in the minimal time you had.

"10:45 A.M. Okay, that's not bad," you think, chewing on your lower lip as you grabbed your bags and made sure to check if you had all your belongings. Checked. Double checked. Triple checked. You nodded your head, concluding that you had indeed packed all that you needed for this trip that your family had planned for for the past few months. For whatever reason, you didn't know. All that you knew was that your annoying cousins were going to make an appearance and although you were dreading the fact that you had to face them sometime in the future, you hoped with your fingers crossed that there was no guarantee that'd happen so soon.

"Can't you go any faster?" you ask, leaning over the driver's seat to peer at the traffic ahead of you.

With a grunt, the requested driver just shook his head and casually adjusted the hat on his bed of grey hair. "No can do, ma'am. Wall to wall traffic is pretty hectic. Maybe if you had left a little earlier, this wouldn't be much of a problem for you."

You knew that. Of course you knew that, judging by all the alarms you swore you had set up. But no, your heavy-sleeping self decided it wasn't significant enough to wake your conscious up. Great.

Eventually, you had arrived to the station. However– with a slightly sore ankle, frizzled hair, out of place pieces of clothing, and strands of your bag straps every other place on your body. To say you weren't frustrated was an understatement, and to add on to that, your mother was freakin' calling you and as much as you loved the damn woman, you were biting your tongue with the patience you had left. You ignored the ringing until it ceased after awhile. Well, you really had no idea it was ringing in the first place since you were too distracted to find the train that you had to board.

"Hi, is this the train that rides to.. this location?" you ask hesitantly, sliding a piece of paper with the location's name and all across the station's counter. You were beyond bewildered by all the events that had occurred in the last two hours of your life, and you were pretty impressed with how fast you could do everything in that span of time. Although, glancing at you from a distance would say differently.

"Uh, yes. But you better hurry, they're closing their doors and departing in just a few minutes." A woman in station attire kindly gestured the direction to where you had to hurriedly stomp towards. Down the case of narrow stairs you went, you watched as people had phones to their ears with suitcases to match, walking about and acting oblivious to the people in their way. Women with their children, teenagers with their eyes glued to their phones... All in a 21st century's work, eh?

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