Kiss Me more

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The next morning 12:15 p.m.
I wake feeling very rough my hair is matted, my makeup is all over my pillow and face, my breath smells and tastes disgusting, my head is pounding and I feel sick to my stomach. Oh and did I forget to mention the room is going in circles. I'm certainly making up for last night anyways. KARMA!

I hear people talking what time even is it anyway? I look at my clock on the bedside table quarter past twelve in the afternoon what the fuck? I slept in all morning and suffering big time. I get up out of bed, go to the bathroom, fix my hair, brush my teeth, wash my face, open my curtains, I don't even bother making my bed and head downstairs to see what I can eat.

I smell food as I head for the kitchen. "Well good afternoon sleepyhead" Tony chirps while sipping his coffee. "Morning guys" I groan I literally sound like a zombie. "How'd you sleep" Wanda asks. "You know I don't know to be honest but I feel like shit" I say as I hear Steve cough or clears his throat or whatever he did.

"Breakfast is being kept warm in the oven if you want it and coffee is in the coffee pot help yourself" Tony offers. "Thanks Tone" I thank him as he and the others head out. "If you wanna train follow us down or just go back to bed" Nat shouts in. "She's probably half dead can't handle the drink" I hear Bucky say. Dick!

"You coming Rogers?" Tony calls. "Be there in a sec" he replies. Fuck he wants to talk I don't want to talk about it I remember it I don't want to discuss it. Shit he's walking towards me I feel even more sick. "Hey can I talk to you for a minute" he asks as I just kiss him hoping he'll just shut up and not talk about it.

"Steve I remember us kissing last night, no I don't want to talk about it and yes it was good and no the team doesn't need to know about it" I hope this is all. "Uh-um y-yeah basically Uhm covered all the topics I guess" he chuckles. "But I do have one question" he adds in.

"Oh god go on" I really hate drunk me not even that I hate drunk me I love drunk me I hate the next morning consequences and the flashbacks. "Why I did you kiss me just now" he asks the one question I don't know how to answer. What do I even say? Oh uhm I don't know Steve I wanted to shut you up or I don't know I guess I wanted to see how you kiss when I'm sober.

"Oh I-I don't know" I stutter. He's going to know I'm lying I'm a really crappy liar. "Righttt, so I'm going to go now" he says slowly as he goes with everyone. "You coming?" He looks back. "No thanks I'm going for a nap or something I feel sick"

I decided to go for a nap and when I wake it's 5 pm I slept all day why didn't anyone wake me. I go downstairs and everyone is in the living room. "Hey what's up" I grumble with my sleepy groggy voice. "Oh hey mia we were just throwing on a movie wanna join we ordered pizza" Wanda chirped. "Oh yes I am star-ving" I walked over and sat in the space between Nat and Steve.

Great so I'm between my aunt and Steve. "What are we watching" I ask. "The silence of the lambs or else stepbrothers" Tony assured. "Or mean girls" Wanda adds in. "We are not watching mean girls" Bucky also adds in. Wanda and Bucky bicker about the movies. "I think we should watch stepbothers good for all genders and it's funny" I try to point out, "she's right it is a good movie" Steve carries on.

We decide to watch stepbrothers. Half way into the movie I feel Steve's hand by the side of my thigh. He's definitely trying to grab it I think to myself. I look at him and his eyes turn to me and we just carry on watching the movie.

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