Mia Natalia Romanova is determined to be a part of a family, to be liked, to feel wanted, loved and after her mother was killed she was determined to find someone. Her aunt she never met is her only option will she save her and look after her.
She w...
"She's coding" the doctor shouts. They preform CPR on her and I see them pull out the defibrillator. "Flatline" they shout. "Okay clear" her body shocks. "Again, okay clear". She's good.
Nats Pov The doctors walk out to me. "She doesn't seem to be getting any better Natasha she keeps coding she almost died 3 times already" they say to me. "No that machine is supposed to keep her alive until she wakes herself" I tear up. "Yes if she is okay but her brain function is very little and we've already had to operate on her lungs and liver" they try to calm me down which only makes me worse. "She still has brain function though and she can still hear us" i sob. "It's not much use if she can hear and do nothing else" another doctor tells me.
"A vegetable? That's what you're telling me, my niece is a vegetable she's brain dead" I glare. "Technically yes but she can pull through chances are slim to none there's no point keeping the machine on because she's already dead it's keeping her aliv- "NO NO she's not dead yet I hear her heart still beating" I interrupt.
All of a sudden I feel arms wrap around me. It's Bucky. "Hey can you give us a minute please" he asks the doctors. I try to fight his grip but I feel too weak and tired. "Let me go Bucky, let me go" I cry more and more. He just holds me. "She's gone Nat we need to turn it off" he starts. "Nooo no no we're not turning it off she's still in there I know it I know she is" I shout. I eventually loosen out of his grip and go sit next to my apparently dying niece. "I can control her mind and make it like a pretty vacation on the beach in the Maldives or something where she always wanted to go so it isn't so bad" Wanda sobs as she walks in and sits next to her.
"She's not dead Wanda she'll be okay" I cry and Wanda gets worse. I think I know deep inside that she's gone as much as I don't want her to be but I think if I keep telling myself she'll be okay then I won't be upset but it doesn't actually work. "It's been 4 weeks Nat, we need to let her go she's gone" Wanda just bawls her eyes out. All the boys are waiting outside the room giving us some space.
My eyes burn from crying and my head is pounding. "You know what I'm the only one who believes in her you all just think she's dead because the doctors said so" I get up and walk out of the room and into the bathroom. I throw cold water over my face and stare and myself in the mirror.
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I sit on the floor emotionless just thinking and thinking. If they do pull the plug she has a chance she could bring herself back she's strong enough because I know she's not going to die I just feel it I can't lose her too she's technically all I have. Fuck it.
I get up and walk into the room eyes dried, head still pounding, voice loud and clear. "Pull the plug" I say to the two doctors. Sam and Bucky glance at each other. "Rom-"shut up Tony, pull the plug doc" I interrupt. "Are you sure your ready You didn't even get to say goodbye" Bucky asks. "I don't need to say goodbye Bucky I don't WANT to say goodbye now pull the fucking plug" I snap. "We need written permission you just need to sign here" the doctor says. I sign the form and everyone watches in shock and teary eyed while he pulls the plug.
We all sit there I hear the doctor saying something I don't know what it is I'm not listening just sitting there watching my girl in the bed. Everyone behind me is crying as she flatlines. I sit there looking at her just completely empty and emotionless. After about an hour the heart machine just completely flatlines one long beep. Everyone is crying my eyes tear up I just killed her I turned off the one thing keeping her alive I go to walk out.
"Time of death 15:2- beep beep beep.... Her heart starts beating. I start smiling I knew she'd be okay I knew she wouldn't die. I turn around and walk back toward her and hold her hand. They all stand behind me with there mouths open in shock.
I rub her hair back smiling at her beautiful face. She was going to be okay.