Mia Natalia Romanova is determined to be a part of a family, to be liked, to feel wanted, loved and after her mother was killed she was determined to find someone. Her aunt she never met is her only option will she save her and look after her.
She w...
"I knew it was a girl" Steve laughs. "Me too" Stephen strange smiles. "Well no shit Sherlock you jumped to the future" Sam tells Strange. Everyone just laughs. "I really thought she was a he" I look down at my little bump. "How do you feel now it's a girl" Steve asks. "Delighted I can't wait to meet baby Charlie or Lottie" I giggle. Everything is perfect I'm getting my own little mini me she might be her daddy's twin but will be a mini me. My own little super baby. "Rogers is going to be 10 times more strict when it comes to bad words now especially around a little girl" Nat laughs. "How can Mia not curse they're polar opposites he don't like bad words and every sentence Mia says has fuck or shit in it" Sam adds. We all laugh for a bit, he's not wrong I say fuck like 600x a day and Steve just gave up correcting me.
My head is still pounding so I run in to find painkillers. My eyes are a little blurry but I find them and take two. I hear voices. It's Tony and Pepper, they are whispering but arguing. I just leave I don't wanna disturb them. I see Wanda and Sam talking outside so I join them. "What's up mama?" Sam says. "Hey do you guys know what's up with Tony and Pepper?" I ask them. "Oh probably about their b-" he says before Wanda cuts in "Sam would you mind getting me a drink please?". He looks at her and she looks him with widened eyes. "Sure my queen anything else?" He squints his eyes at her before running off. "What was that about?" I question. "Oh nothing I was just really thirsty, anyways about Pepper and Tony they probably just bickering again" she responds. She is hiding something. Why would she cut Sam off? Why would she make him leave? I have an idea, I go back into the house to where Tony and Pepper are.
"Hey you guys, congratulations!" I smile at them. "For what?" Pepper laughs nervously. "The baby of course!" I tell them. "How do you know?" Pepper asks. "I didn't I had my suspicions but now I know. Why am I only finding out now and everyone else knows?" I cross my arms. "Well only Sam, Wanda and Bruce know we were waiting until maybe next week to tell everyone we didn't want to steal your thunder." She tells me. "Exactly this day was about you and Steve's baby so we should be saying congratulations on the little princess" Tony adds. "Guys no this is great news my little girl will have a friend" I jump with excitement. We all hug it out.
Later that night after the party I finish getting ready for bed I'm absolutely exhausted. Steve is lying there with his arms behind his head. I hop in beside him. "Wanna know a secret" I whisper. He wraps his arms around me and kiss my face and neck. "Sure" he whispers while still kissing me. "Okay but you cannot tell anybody" I warn him. "Okay okay tell me" he laughs. "Pepper is pregnant too" I say. His face drops and he sits up in the bed. "No way!" He exclaims. "Oh yeah I tricked them into telling me earlier" I giggle. "That's amazing! Charlotte will have a friend" he says as he lays back down next to me. "I know right, it's so exciting I wanted to tell everyone but it wasn't my place it's their baby they should tell people because I would hate if someone told everyone about my baby before me" I explain. "Yeah leave it to them it's great news for them" he says. We chat for a little bit before eventually falling asleep.
I wake in the middle of the night to my phone ringing. I try to ignore it. What if it's an emergency though? It's probably nothing. I turn over to face Steve on my left who's lying on his back with his right hand behind his head and his left resting on his stomach. I tuck in under his right arm and place my arm on his chest. I feel his arm wrap around me resting on my hip. The phone rings again. I'll just answer it.
I pick up my phone from the locker and squint my eyes at the bright screen. Private number. I answer the call. "Hello?" I say curiously. "Congratulations on the baby news Ms Romanova" I hear a deep raspy mans voice say. "Who is this?" I ask worriedly not recognising the voice. "If I were you Romanova I would watch over my shoulder because we're coming for little Rogers Romanoff and their special powers next" the person says. "Who the fuck is this and what do you want?" I snap. Beep. beep. beep. The phone hangs up.
Steve shoots up with the fright of my anger. My blood is boiling. I feel my body shaking in temper, my heart pounding in fear. "Hey, hey what's wrong? Everything okay?" Steve says while rubbing my back. I turn around and place my hand on his face and kiss him. "I'm fine everything is fine just lie down and go back to sleep" I lie. "You sure? Nightmare?" He questions concerned. I look at the clock to see 3:47 a.m. on the clock. "Guess so" I give him a fake smile. "Tell me about it" he asks as he lays back down so do I. He starts to rub my back. "I have no idea I just woke up sweating and angry" I tell him sincerely. Turns out I've no memory of what happened to make me angry I remember my phone ringing but don't remember answering it? We go to sleep the way we were before I heard the phone.
Steve is sound asleep after about 10 minutes. His every breath slow and even. I sit there wide awake thinking why I was so angry and can't calm down. I can't tell anyone they would just be worried sick. I feel worried sick because there is nothing I can do except try to remember.
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I get up at around 5 a.m. and have a shower, I still haven't slept. The birds sing and chirp as the sun begins to shine through the window. I stand in the hot shower and let the water trickle down my head and body. I could literally sleep here it feels so nice.