Are You Ready?

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3 Weeks later

"Hey gorgeous" Steve knocks on my bedroom door before he walks in. I'm laying on my bed in a grey sweatshorts and white crop top reading my twilight new moon book. Bella seriously needs to make up her mind because Edward loves her and she pretends she doesn't know when he was clearly lying before he left her now she's "in love" with Jacob like who do you want baby? Anyways I say hi back to Steve who interrupts my reading.

 Bella seriously needs to make up her mind because Edward loves her and she pretends she doesn't know when he was clearly lying before he left her now she's "in love" with Jacob like who do you want baby? Anyways I say hi back to Steve who interru...

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"So I was thinking..." he begins. "Hmm" I hum while still trying to concentrate on my book. "I think it's about time we go on our second date tonight" he smirks. He's up to something. "Okay what time" I murmur to him. "Be ready for 8" he says and he leaves the room closing the door behind him.

So I have a date tonight what am I even supposed to wear? Something casual? Something dressy? Bit of both? Jeans? Skirt? Dress? Ugh! I hate looking for outfits can I not just go like this?

I flick through my wardrobe and find a cute red two piece top and skirt, casual but classy. I'll wear this with a leather jacket or something.

Or don't get a jacket and steal Rogers one when I'm cold

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Or don't get a jacket and steal Rogers one when I'm cold. Good thinking I hope he's sweet and gives me one. I look through my makeup bag and fill in my brows and conceal my face and add a bit of clear lip gloss. I flop back down on my bed and carry on reading.

7:45 p.m.
I submerge from my room since I've been hibernating all day because there's no point training when I'm not allowed to fight. "Are you ready" I hear Steve calling up. "Yeah be down in a sec" I shout down before slipping on my wedges and running downstairs.

We hop in the car this time Steve is driving us. I'm so curious where we're going. I feel Steve's hand on my thigh, my cheeks go a hot red so I look out the window so he doesn't see. He probably can't see it anyways because it's starting to get dark but you know just in case.

We're driving up a dark hill with trees, very forest like. After a couple minutes the car comes to a stop. I look down and see a beautiful little beach. "I know how much you love stargazing and sunsets and just everything after sunsets just all dark really" Steve whispers. "Awh it's so sweet that you remember" I giggle. "Well it's not hard to remember your Snapchat is always full of sunsets Mia and you sit under the moon staring at the stars almost every night" he chuckles. It's true I do but it's cute how he noticed it.

He goes to the boot and takes out a blanket and a bag. We walk down towards the beach. The sand was so soft. "Are you secretly trying to kill me that bag seems to be suspicious" I ask curiously. He bursts out laughing. "No I'm not trying to kill you" he chuckles.

He places the blanket down on the ground and opens the bag, in the bag was a bottle of wine and two pizza boxes. One was ham, cheese and pepperoni the other had plain cheese. Something is up my favourite wine my favourite pizza place and pizza from there my favourite activities like sunsets and beaches. He is up to something I can feel it.

"Steve oh my god this is so cute I love it how did you remember that I love all this" I squeal

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"Steve oh my god this is so cute I love it how did you remember that I love all this" I squeal. "It was my plan all along. I needed to know what you loved and I find out things you do like and don't like so I knew how to plan our date, spiders for example you hate them especially when they're in the bath but you don't want them killed just outside away from you that has nothing to do with our date I just knew that everybody does" he answers. I start smiling from ear to ear I try hiding it but he grabs my face so I look at him. "Or how you like your toast just right not too burnt not too raw or how you play with you hair or play or fidget with whatever is in your hand when your nervous" he says softly and sweetly. I look down and notice how I was twiddling my fingers because I had nothing to fidget with. My eyes start to water, "why you crying" Steve furrows his brows.

"I-I don't know I guess it's just sweet you notice the stupid tiny things about me that I didn't even notice myself" I sniff. "I wanna ask you something" his tone changes it still seems soft but a bit more serious. I look up at him. "I was gunna wait until in a minute but now seems right-"just tell me" I interrupt worriedly

"Well we have been dating for awhile now so I thought we should move further on in our relationship I'm not sure how you completely feel but I know I want you and only you, you amaze me everyday Mia with those magical green eyes and that infectious laugh and a smile that would light the world up I literally sound so cringe but I am old school and I need to let this out" he proclaims. I start bawling and he wraps his arms around me and tightens to a hug.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend Mr Rogers" I hint still crying. "Yeah I am well trying anyways" he whispers smiling at me. "I feel the same about you but I'm not doing that speech it was beautiful but I'm not saying it and yes I'll be your girlfriend" I exult. He kisses me slowly after letting out a laugh.

We sit there for awhile as I glance over every few minutes I wish I could be like this forever just the two of us sitting there enjoying the sunset, watching and listening to the waves, eating pizza and drinking wine- wait Steve is drinking wine isn't he driving? "Hey uhm- a-are you driving us back" I stutter. He looks over and smiles gently "Nope Happy is on a date too but he has no car so he's taking ours and taking us home, besides I'm a super soldier I don't get drunk" he explains.

It eventually gets dark the beach looks really beautiful. "Wanna go for a walk?" He whispers into my ear sending shivers down my spine. "Sure" I tell him. We get up and walk along the soft white sand.

 We get up and walk along the soft white sand

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"You cold?" Steve asks. I look at him while trying to control my shivering. "Maybe a little" I hint. He takes off his jacket and puts it on me, wraps his arm around my shoulders as we walk. "Are you not going to be cold now" I ask him. "No" he smiles. I knew I'd get his jacket hehehe.

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