Mia Natalia Romanova is determined to be a part of a family, to be liked, to feel wanted, loved and after her mother was killed she was determined to find someone. Her aunt she never met is her only option will she save her and look after her.
She w...
I wake to the love of my life standing by the window looking at me. He is just perfect standing there with his perfect body, perfect hair, perfect eyes and perfect lips. "Good morning beautiful" he smiles. "Good morning handsome" I reply grinning. "I brought you coffee" he says handing me my favourite aristocats pink cup. "Well aren't you an angel" I giggle. "I guess you could say that" he replies kissing my forehead. I take a sip "Thank you" I quietly say.
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I drink my coffee and we decide to get up. It's about two weeks since our baby shower. I go look for something to wear. I pass my mirror and look into it. My bump has grown so much in the last two weeks. She's moving a lot more too.
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It's still small but we're getting there. I throw on my blue bodycon dress. It shapes my bump so well. Steve is in brushing his teeth and I run in to do mine. We go back out and I look in the mirror again. "You look absolutely gorgeous" he tells me. I smile and look at my belly. He bends down to my little bump. "Morning baby girl" he says and kisses it.
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I've a feeling he's going to be the best daddy to our baby. His eyes are full of pure love when he talks or looks at my bump, or even me. "C'mon I need to eat I'm starving" I laugh while he still pecks my belly. "Okay okay one more" he says as he kisses it again. We head downstairs to see everyone in the kitchen. "Well it's about time! You're pregnant Mia not disabled it doesn't take 45 years to go down the stairs" Sam Jokes. "Well sorry Mr-I'm-so-perfect why don't you carry a baby in you and tell me how you feel" I sarcastically say. "Can everyone shut up for a second" Tony raises his voice. We all stop talking and look at him who has his arm around Pepper. "We are also pregnant" He exclaims. "How does it feel to carry a baby Tony since you're the only man I know that is" Sam says. Tony just rolls his eyes. "Very funny Sam, very funny" I shake my head. "Congratulations you guys" I hug them both. I look over at Nat who's smiling I can tell she's upset though. I wish she was pregnant too. She might adopt some day, who knows?.
"Congrats you two" Nat smiles. "Do you know what you're having yet?" Wanda asks. "Nope not yet" Pepper answers looking at Tony. "We should plan another baby shower/ gender reveal" I squeal. This is so exciting I think to myself. Imagine if they have a boy he can be Charlottes boyfriend, OMG! A little romance. If it's a girl they can be best friends then. Well if they wanna be lovers then that's okay too. "That sounds great but I'm only 14 weeks Mia we have to wait another month" Pepper laughs. "Better again more time to plan" I hop down from the counter with my orange juice and Trot up the stairs.
I sit on my bed writing down ideas for the baby shower and what idea we will do to reveal it. All of a sudden my phone rings. 'Private number'? I answer it. "Hello again Ms Romanova" a man says. "Hello?" I say. "How's the little one?" He asks. My body starts shaking and I just hang up the phone. Who was that? Why did he sound so familiar too?
"Who was that?" Steve asks walking into our room. "I-I don't know" I look up to him, still shaking. He walks over and sits next to me wrapping his arms around me. "What was the number?" He questions looking at my phone. "There was none...... but he asked me how was my baby, in a really creepy voice" I start to cry. "He sounded so familiar too, like I've heard that voice before I just don't know where" I sob. Steve holds me tighter rubbing my hair. "Shhh it's okay, nobody is getting to you or the baby" he soothes.
Steve's POV Mia ends up falling asleep after crying so I pick up the phone and go downstairs. "Stark I need you" I call to Tony. "What's up?" He asks. "You can find out a private number can't you?" I say. "Technically no but I can trace where it came from" he replies taking the phone from me.
"Banner we got a job to do" he shouts over at Bruce who's working on the computers. I unlock Mia's phone and hand it to Banner.
He types some stuff up on the computer with codes. "So we have a lead" he mumbles while still focused on the computer. "Great then what is it" I say walking towards Bruce and Tony. He gives an address on where the call was. "Isn't that where Hydra or there crew is around?" Tony raises his brow. "Is it?" I ask. "Well let's go get them" Tony grabs his stuff. "Are we bringing back up or?" I follow behind Tony. "Rogers you're big boy you're a super soldier I think you and I can handle a few small men by ourselves" Tony sighs getting into the car.