Smells like Teen Spirit

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One year later

' Tony and Pepper broke up again a couple of days ago, it's also November the first month of winter, Nat and Bucky announced they're a thing 4 months ago after flinging around the whole time , I'm so happy for her she deserves the world, oh Wanda and Vision are a thing aswell since one month ago I'm so happy for her too because she deserves the world too, Steve and I? Well we're perfect. He's perfect I love him so much. Did I mention I started training again? Well I am and I can fight again too! I convinced Tony, Steve, Nat and Banner to let me..'  I write into my diary that nobody knows I have.

"Hey Mia did you see my black dress?" Nat calls in I hid my diary under my pillow before she comes in "Yeah check my closet" I responded. She finds it and leaves "thanks hun" she shouts in.

I go back downstairs and into the kitchen to find something to eat Banner, Tony and Barton are in there. "Hey guys" I wave. "Hi munchkin" Tony says. "What's up kid" Clint says. "G'afternoon" Bruce says.

"Just grabbing something to eat, is there painkillers around by any chance I've a pounding headache" I ask. "Yep check top cupboard by the door on the left" Tony answered. I take two with water and open the fridge when all of a sudden my stomach turns I think I'm going to vomit. I run to the closest bathroom- practically sprint. I throw up into the toilet and hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Mia? You in there" I hear a voice say it sounds like Tony. "Go away this is horrible" i gargle. "Are you okay" he calls in, "yeah I'm fine" I shout out. He walks in and shakes his head he holds my hair back out of my face and rubs my back. "It's okay" he soothes. He hands me a tissue. "What just happened" he queried.

"I don't know it could of been the headache I just smelt something and my stomach turned" I muttered. He looked at me puzzled. "There's no weird smell we would of smelled it" Tony assured. "You could be coming down with something" I don't think- no way I just realised something. I can't be? "I don't think I'm sick I think- I, I uhh might be pregnant though" I stutter.

"I doubt it Steve is like 100 I don't even think he can create if you know what I mean" He says. I don't know I think I am I'm late as well. Fuckkkkk. "I gotta go somewhere" I jump up off the floor and run upstairs.

"Natt" I shout "Nat, Natasha, Naaaatttt" I keep shouting. She runs out of her room with makeup half done and a dressing gown on. "What? What is it" she asks. I grab her arm and drag her to my room. "I-I think I'm pregnant" I tell her. Her face drops. "What!" She exclaimed. "Keep it down, I think I'm pregnant" I whisper. "Well did you take a test?" She questioned. "No not yet" I look down and shake my head. "Does Rogers know?" She asks, "nope" I shake my head again my eyes filling up.

"You know what I'm going to cancel my date with Bucky reschedule it and we'll go get you test and do it together" she soothes. "What? No Nat you're going on your date your half ready and Buck is probably downstairs waiting for you I'll be fine I can get Wanda" I demand her to go. "You sure I can stay I don't mind I can go on plenty of dates" she stated. "No Nat honestly go I'm okay thank you though" I assure her. We settle on her going on her date so she hugs me and leaves.

I close my bedroom door and slide down against it, bury my head in my hands and bury into my knees. I completely break down. The hot tears stream down my cheeks I try crying silently because I don't want anyone to hear me. My heart swells with pain I don't think I'm ready to be a mother I barely had mine I don't think Steve even wants kids, is he even ready? What if he doesn't want anything to do with it? I love him so much I just don't want too lose him.

I gather my thoughts and get up I mightn't even be pregnant who knows. I go to the bathroom and throw cold water on my face, my eyes swollen from crying, blow my nose and dry my face. I went off to find Wanda, she's in her room brushing her hair.

"Hey Wands..." I pause. "Hey sweetie what's up" she walks over and hugs me. Immediately I break down again. "What is it? Why are you crying" she asks worriedly. "Uhm I just uh-Are you doing anything right now?" I sob. "Nothing important like why" she sounds even more worried. "Can you come to the pharmacy around the corner with me please" I plead. "Yes of course hunny but why what's up?" She looks so freaked out. "I think I'm pregnant" I sniffle. "That's ama- yea c'mon let's go" she changes her sentence.

We get into her car and we go to the pharmacy. We pick out 5 different tests, pay and head home. "I'm so scared Wanda" my voice breaks. "It's going to be okay sweetie if it's positive I'll help you tell Steve and he will be super excited he would love to have a kid of his own he loves kids" she assures. He is great with kids he does love them but whether he wants his own or not is a different story.

We run upstairs and into my en-suite. "You want me to wait outside?" Wanda asks. "No stay.....please" I beg. She nods as she hops up on the sink counter and I sit on the toilet and pee onto all the Sticks. I put them on the counter where Wanda sat and go sit on my bed outside the bathroom. My nerves are so bad right now I twiddle my thumbs and my legs shake I keep looking around. Wanda notices and she walks over and holds onto me.

A couple of minutes have passed so we walk slowly to the bathroom my heart pounding in my chest.


No. no. no.


The first one is positive

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The first one is positive.

The first one is positive

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They all are.

I'm pregnant. I'm actually pregnant. Of course I start crying again so does Wanda this time we both hug each other crying. Next mission, tell Steve.

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