Mia Natalia Romanova is determined to be a part of a family, to be liked, to feel wanted, loved and after her mother was killed she was determined to find someone. Her aunt she never met is her only option will she save her and look after her.
She w...
My appointment is at 12 it's now 10 so I'm having some cereal and going up to get ready.
I finish my breakfast and run up to brush my teeth, wash my face, brush my hair and find some clothes. I decide to wear a black bicycle shorts, a black oversized hoodie with an oversized denim jacket. I find my all white Air Force at the end of my bed.
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"C'mon babe I'm ready" I call into Steve who's brushing his teeth. "Coming" he muffles with his mouth full of toothpaste. He dries his face and runs out. We hop in the car and drive to the doctors.
We make it just on time. "Hi how can I help you" asks the red head secretary in the sweetest voice. "Hi I've an appointment with dr Montgomery" I tell her. "What's the name love" she says after typing for a bit. "Mia Romanoff" I say. "Perfect just take a seat and we'll give you a call" she tells me.
Steve and I go sit in the waiting area. Of course I'm twiddling my fingers again and I'm ready to piss myself. Steve places his hand on top of mine to help stop my nerves. "It's going to be fine just relax" he assures. I just nod my head.
"Mia Romanoff" I hear someone call my name. Must be the doctor, I really don't want to go in. I stand up and start walking towards the doctor room, Steve follows behind.
We chat for a little bit just about my health and other stuff. "You are roughly seven weeks Mia, we can do an early ultrasound and try listen for a heartbeat but it is still early" Dr Montgomery tells me.
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"Great we can try anyway" I say before looking at Steve who smiles and nods his head. We do an ultrasound and see a tiny little dot, my little baby. She presses a button and we hear a faint little heartbeat going really fast.
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We are actually going to be parents. I can't wait to meet him- or her. Although I think it's going to be a boy I can feel it. If it's a boy I think we should call him Tony oh what about Nathan wait Clints kid is Nathaniel, I think Tony after Starky. If a girl maybe Natalie or Charlotte or maybe Amelia. So much baby names ugh how can we even choose it's too soon yet but it's good to start thinking now.
We say goodbye before we leave the doctors and get into the car and head home. "I can't believe we just heard our baby's heartbeat oh my god" I squel with excitement. "I know it's so small- the baby I mean well the heartbeat is too actually" he replies excitedly. "Are we telling the rest once we get back I've already told the girls well Nat and Wanda" I ask Steve. "Of course we can I don't mind" he answers.