Soraxx~Part 15~

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I wrote like over 1000 words and it deleted it- I- 😃 Also sorry for not posting. I took a break for personal reasons. I love you guys!💖🌸✌ Im making this part longer to make up for not posting for like 2 months-👹🤌

Sora woke up before Jaxx and wanted to do something nice for his Walmart Kirishima. Sora cooked pancakes and bacon for the squad but made a separate breakfast for Jaxx, he made strawberry and blueberry pancakes(to represent him and Jaxx.) and bacon. Sora walked into their room to wake Jaxx up. "Morning Lover-boy, I made breakfast!" Jaxx yawned and smiled. "Thanks baby!" Jaxx walked into the kitchen and Sora handed him his plate. Jaxx smiled knowing exactly what it was. Alex walked in and asked "Whats up with the colored pancakes?" "Oh hehe they're strawberry and blueberry to represent me and Jaxx!" Sora answered happily. "Oh that's nice!" "Oh Alex before you go back to your room could you tell everyone we made breakfast for them? I made pancakes amd bacon for you guys!" Sora told Alex. "Yeah Sure, and thanks for cooking." Alex walked to the hallway that held all of the squad members rooms. "BREAKFAST IS READY YOU SLEEPY HEADS!" Alex yelled. "We're coming!" The squad yelled.

After breakfast...

Jaxx picked Sora up and brought him to their room. "At this point I'm used to you doing this-" Sora said unfazed. "Hehe, yeah sorry about that, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to the store, do you need anything baby?" Jaxx asked. "No, wait yeah get some gummy worms I'm going to hide them all over Light's room!" Sora said laughing. "Okay then- I won't even question why, I'll be back." Jaxx said. "Okay bye honey!" Sora said smiling. "Bye baby!" Jaxx said as he was walking out of the room heading for the front door. Jaxx was driving to store and parked a few blocks down so he could get some walking in. Jaxx was walking to the store and ran into someone. "O-oh I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" Jaxx said to the stranger. "Oh its okay, wait...JAXX!?!?" The "stranger" yelled. "How do you- wait, no NO, IT CAN'T BE YOU!" Jaxx yelled in an almost scared voice. "Heh, yeah it's me Jaxx." The stranger said. "A-ace...H-hi, have you found someone new yet?..." "Yeah, his name is Norman." Ace answered.

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Low quality quick drawing✌Yes I traced.👹

"Why did you freak out when you saw me? Is it because I'm supposed to be dead?~" Ace asked with a smirk. Jaxx's breathing slowed and got shaky. "No... I'm the one that's supposed to be dead, remember Ace?" "Hehe~ yeah I remember I was just reminding you, don't think I have forgotten that promise I made, I will keep it." Ace said in a slightly angered voice. Jaxx completely stopped breathing and started hyperventilating and ran, he ran back to the car and drove home as fast as could. Jaxx barged through the door and ran to his and Sora's room. Jaxx was almost in tears. "JAXX! Oh my gosh what happened?!!?" Sora yelled. Jaxx regulated his breathing. "I-im fine..." Jaxx said unrealistically. "No you're not, you didn't even come back with groceries so I know something happened, now tell me." Sora said sternly. "Fine...I ran into...A...a...ace..." Jaxx said nervously. "I don't know who that is hon." Sora said calmly. "But I do." Alex was standing in the doorway. "Yes Jaxx I know Ace, and I know that he is your ex. He is now dating a boy named Norman." Alex said "How do-" Jaxx was cut off. "I know this because he is my step brother." Alex said sounding upset. "O-oh...that's not good..." Jaxx said starting to get upset again. "Jaxx it's okay...he told me he was just trying to scare you with that "promise" he isn't going to hurt you!" Alex said to Jaxx "Alex, if that's what he told you, he lied. That is not the promise he made to me." "What was the promise then?" Alex and Sora asked. Jaxx shed a few tears. "He said that if I dated another person he would kill them, he said he was going to marry me no matter what." Jaxx burst into tears. "I-im sorry Sora I put you in harms way again..." Jaxx said in between sniffs. "Why would he want to marry you if he is dating this Norman guy?" Sora asked still confused. "Well...about a year ago he saved me from falling off a cliff, someone pushed me and he grabbed me and saved me. He said that marrying him was the price to pay for that..." Jaxx answered. "O-oh...wait where were you that had a cliff and what day?" Sora asked frantically. "We were at Sky Fall Cliffs(I just made it up), July 10th." "I was at that same place on the same day, I saw someone with red hair getting pushed by someone blonde, the blonde one caught them though." Sora told Jaxx. "SORA THAT WAS ME, AND ACE IS BLONDE, OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SORA! YOU JUST SAVED ME!"

   "I still can't believe that Ace was the one that pushed me." Jaxx said. "Well now you can tell him that you know he did it, you can be happy again honey!" Sora said cheerfully. "Yeah..." Jaxx said plainly. "Honey I'm going to go get groceries so you can rest.

A few hours later...

  *knock* *knock* *knock* "I'm coming Sora!" Jaxx yelled. Jaxx thought that the knocking at the door was Sora with the groceries, but man was he wrong..."Do need help bringing in the gro-" Jaxx fell to his knees and screamed. "YOU MONSTER!" He burst out into tears. "Ah come on stop the crying he's not dead he's unconscious." Ace said while laughing. Alex ran to the door to see the horrific scene. "ACE!" Alex yelled. "Oh hey sis, I didn't know you lived here." Ace said calmly. "Yeah I do, hand im over, NOW!" Alex yelled to Ace. "Okay okay fine you can have him, all I want is Jaxx." Ace tossed Sora to the ground face first. Jaxx scurried over to Sora's side and hugged his unconscious body. Jaxx spotted several small wounds and bruises on Sora's body. "You...m...mon...ster!" Jaxx said angrily. "Oh did I make you mad?~" Ace said teasingly. "Ace you have no reason to be here...Jaxx knows that you did it...he knows that YOU pushed him!" Alex yelled angrily toward Ace. "Haha~ alright.. I'll leave, I already had my fun~" Ace laughed. "HE'S BARLEY BREATHING YOU MONSTER, YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM!" Jaxx yelled. "" Jaxx yelled angrily. Ace walked away. "I'm sorry Jaxx...I didn't know that he would come here or hurt Sora..."

A few minutes later...

  The test of the squad returned home after their trip. "We're ho-" Charli stopped as soon as she saw the horrific scene. Sora was still lying on the floor, now with a small puddle of blood surrounding him. Jaxx was hugging Sora's unconscious body and crying. Charli ran up to them. "SORA! Oh my gosh what happened!?!? Is he okay?" Charli asked frantically. "Y-yeah he's okay, just unconscious..." Jax said with a shaky voice. Sora batted his eyes. "J-j...a...xx." Sora said weakly. "Yeah its me S-Sora..." Jaxx said calmly. "W...why do I h...u...rt e...eve...ry...where?" Sora said starting to fall unconscious again. "'s okay...I'll get you bandaged up..."

After Jaxx bandaged Sora

"Do you feel any better baby?" Jaxx asked softly. "" Sora could still barley speak. Sora fell unconscious and his breathing slowed. "SORA!"

Hehehe cliffhanger✌💖

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