Chapter 32: Gone

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4 weeks later, your rib was healed.
You had been let out of the hospital to roam and get fresh air a few times before leaving, the running two weeks up to your leave.
Finally, you were out.

You step out of your dad's car, he slams the door and walks off to the front door without saying a word.
"Thanks for picking me up" you say, quietly.
"No problem" he coughs.
He was trying harder, he knew you were more independent because of him and mum.
"Can I, make anything for you?" He asks, pushing the door open.
"I'll make myself something later, thank you" you say.
You limp slightly off to your room, shutting the door behind you and sighing.
Finally your own bed.
You couldn't wait until you could move out of this dump.
You sigh, looking out of the window. Someone is stood behind you, you turn around to quickly and grab your rib.
You let out a small scream in pain, but look up.
"Bill" you sigh, relieved.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he says, walking over to you slowly.
He stops himself from touching you.
You push yourself up straight, off of the window sill.
"How did you know I was home"
He rubs his neck.
"Smelt you..." He says under his breath.
"You can smell me from that far?"
"I was in the, area...and I smelt you coming back" he nods.
"R-right" you say, letting out a breath and letting go of your ribs.
"Can we have that conversation now?" You ask quietly.
He nods, his face becomes less tense as he smiles.
"Would it be easier to possibly talk here?" He asks.
You walk over to the door slowly, checking your dad wasn't upstairs.
"Could we go to yours?" You ask.
"Yes, yes of course" he walks over to you.
He stops in the doorway.
"Actually I'll meet you outside" he says, you turn around to face him but he was already gone.

What are you? // Pennywise x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now