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Sometime in the early 1200s, India

The wind was blowing my hair, and the sun's bright rays were a gentle warm caress on my skin. My cheeks were wet with tears. And my lips were convincing the love of my life that he had to kill me.

"There is no other way, Inder. I am so sorry but this is how it ends. You have to kill me. I am begging you."

The sky was clear. The birds were chirping. Such a dreary incident could not possibly be happening on such a day. My nose was plunged with the fragrance of the flowers in the valley. But my mind was filled with my impending death. I was absolutely terrified but knew that this had to be done.

The glade filled with our happy memories would also be a witness to my death. We arrived here hand in hand and it was unfair that he would return alone.

It was supposed to end on a happy note, with me sighing a happy sigh at how I had landed such a dreamboat. But that was not in our destiny. I had acknowledged the shadows just as they were cast upon our happy bubble. But Inder refused to accept our fate. And it was up to me to make sure the day ended with him alive and me dead.

His eyes filled with tears and the realization that he had to be the one to do the deed. I gave him an encouraging smile as he plunged the dagger into my heart. I lay there bleeding, him cradling me and apologizing repeatedly. I was in too much pain to speak so I weakly shook my head with a slight smile. I couldn't even tell him that I loved him; my only wish was that he was able to see it in my eyes. And I closed my eyes in the meadow amongst the flowers. We had made a promise which I kept. A promise to spend our lives with each other no matter how short-lived.

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