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Point Of View of Inder:

As Maitri and Kabir disappeared around the corner I heard him ask her, "What is allergy?" It was assuring to know others too found some of the words she spoke befuddling. However, I was not bothered that much because she soon came about explaining them in her rambles, but I wondered from where she had learned them. No one around here spoke those words.

Last night was surprisingly pleasant. I did notice that Maitri also took that familiar tone with Kabir but it was only with me that the blush tinged her cheeks. And redness complemented her exquisitely.

She looked radiant glowing brighter than all the diyas in the kingdom. Her drab, washed-out clothes were replaced by the most enchanting ghaghra-choli I had ever seen anyone wear. She must have not noticed it, but I did, that both of our attires were in the hues of cream. And when she wished aloud to have that kheer every day, I wanted to be the one to give it to her, maybe feed her, too, if she allowed. Her infectious and joyous smile was brighter than any of those firecrackers. Just reminiscing the moments we shared last night made me want to seek her out to hear some of her peculiar words.

I shook off those fancies as I had to join my parent to break the fast. Most mornings I skipped this meal by going for an early morning ride. However, today most of the guests were still resting in their chambers and it would only be me and my parents. I had made myself scarce at meal times for the past few days. I found our guests tiring, especially Princess Almira. Just a spoiled squaw used to getting her way just by those ear-ringing screeches of hers.

She had yet to use them on me. I supposed it was in order to gain my favor. I was not particularly looking forward to marrying her but it was unfortunate that we were in need of the money. A part of me also felt sorry for her, as she was a hot commodity only because of her dowry. And then she would interrupt my day with a ridiculous demand or batting her eyelashes as she was aiming to drive away flies and my pity would just vanish, leaving behind only irritation. But our impending nuptials were a conundrum for another time.

My evening with her was nothing short of a torture. No formal arrangements were made till now and yet she had seemed to lay an unspoken claim on me. She made it certain to be near me all the time for the first half of the night, making it clear to anyone that I was already occupied. I could hardly talk to anyone with her interruptions. I finally found myself on my own when she was called by her mother. My breath of relief was soon taken away when I laid my eyes upon Maitri, leaning against a column.

The sight of Maitri dashing into the kitchen brought a smile to my face and I whistled a merry tune as I entered the hall.

"My son is whistling! I haven't heard that sound from you since you were a boy. What brought it on?" my father exclaimed from his seat at the table.

"The festivities last night left me in a jovial mood," I greeted my parents as I sat down on my designated chair.

"Yes, it was indeed a success. All our guests appreciated the food. It was a wise decision to have cooks brought in," said my stepmother singing her own praise.

I was greatly offended by this comment. It was not fair to those who prepared our daily meals. It was undermining their talents, so I said, "They showered praises as the cooks were able to satisfy their palette but I personally prefer the dishes prepared by our cooks here. They are far more talented."

I loved my stepmother and treated her as my own. She took care of me since I was ten, but she was easily swayed by others' opinions. She always followed the latest trends and customs, her dresses were made from the finest fabrics that had to be imported from other parts of the world. I, for one, was proud of what my land grew. I was proud of the people who resided here. And God helped those who tried to take what was mine.

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