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By noon the next day, I was ready to burn down the house. Maybe in that way, the layer of dust and grit would finally be wiped off from the face of the world. And all the creepy crawlies that would make sure I never get a peaceful night of sleep under this roof.

"I know cleaning is not your favorite job. But I cannot do it because of my allergies," my dad said as he headed out of the door. Since he was unable to clean he was taking the car to the town to buy things like curtains and utensils.

"I can cut off your nose if you would like," I offered under my breath crawling behind the sofa to plug in the vacuum cleaner.

"Did you say something?"

"Nope," I said aloud and walked to the other room. The dust and stifling heat were getting to me.

I did not want my dad to suffer and I also did not want to look like I crawled out of a chimney. Especially when the water supply was cut off. Just after the buckets of water for cleaning were filled. Convenient.

Utilities like the water supply and cable were some things that my dad took charge of. I thought that was a failed venture as it was Sunday. Burning the house down was the only way to go.

I stood corrected because my dad switched on the faucet with flourish soon after he arrived. Perks of being one of the bosses.

We frequently dropped by the town to get supplies and such. By the end of the second night, our refrigerator and cupboards were stocked. However, neither of us had the enthusiasm to cook a meal.

My dad was to join his work from the next day and he would be taking the car. I was not a big fan of being stuck in the house alone as well as having to walk miles on a densely wooded road. So while picking our food up we enquired around for a place to buy a bicycle.

"I am sorry to inform you that no shop here sells one. However, you can place an order and it will get delivered within a week," the cashier at the counter informed us regretfully.

"How about if we need any other supplies or in case of a medical emergency that is unavailable here?" my father asked him.

It would have been useful if he had thought of enquiring about such pertinent questions before we moved our whole life here.

"Our hospital here is equipped to treat most illnesses but if you need any other services-"

"I am sorry but I could not help but overhear you," said the woman who interrupted our conversation. She was tall and looked to be a few years younger than my dad. Her long hair flowed down her back and she had accessorized her tunic in that effortless style. I was mostly impressed and partly envious. I would definitely follow her if she had an Instagram page on fashion tips.

"You are new to the town, right?" She gave us a beaming smile. "First of all, we are so happy to have you here. As much as we appreciate our lifelong friends and neighbors, new additions are always welcome."

She shook my hand for I was still looking at her with a bit of awe and discombulation. Very less people had approached me in such a manner in my sixteen years of life.

"If you have any medical emergency I can assure you that the chief doctor here will provide you a top-notch treatment. I can vouch for him. Not only because I am tied to him for seven reincarnations but I would also be there. I am a licensed nurse."

She talked a mile per minute. She turned to look at me.

"And if you would like a cycle I have one that you can have. My boy unfortunately never learnt to ride a bicycle."

"No, that is very generous of you. But I cannot ask-" my dad spoke up.

"You did not ask, I offered. You can drop by my house in the morning to pick it up. I live near the school."

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