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When I came to my senses I refused to open my eyelids as my head was throbbing. The shining sun made the pain worse but it was soon blocked. I squeezed open one eye to see who was hovering over me not wanting a horse drool over my face. As my vision cleared I noticed it was a man.

I squinted at him trying to discern his features. He had on a thick beard and his hair was falling on his face. He appeared too much like a caveman, who was wearing a white linen shirt and black pants. His horse was weighing beside us, continuously nudging my head. I gave it a sharp look that said cut it. But as I turned my head it gave my hair a nice lick. Disgusted I turned towards its owner.

He was kneeling over me with a look of concern over his face but as I started to make noise and opened my eyes wider the expression changed from worry to annoyance. He helped me to sit up but was stiff and visibly irritated.

"Are you a fool? Why would you get in the way of a horse?" came from somewhere behind me. He might be irritated but I? I, sir, was annoyed, confused, and frustrated. That cocktail gave result to only a livid Manya.

"Me? A fool? What would that make you? You do realize that you are the one who is racing a horse in the middle of the road?" I snarled up at him. I might be at eye level with his chest but my anger at that moment did not let me bother about trivial facts.

"Road? What road?" Confusion colored his voice.

"What? Are you blind-" I looked around us and there was no road, only trees. Head spinning from the fall, I was worried that I had now started hallucinating. There was a road in front of me when I was running. I saw it with my own eyes. And who were these people?

"Look, I think you are confused. Maybe you should go back- to where you came from. Have you come -"

"Yes finally someone who will be of some use to me." I staggered to my feet. He gripped my arm as I swayed. "I need to get to the town center. Could you please point out the way to reach there?" The castle failed to give me any answer. If I was able to find my way to the town square I could borrow a phone to call my dad.

"The Sun is going to set soon. You might lose your way in the dark. You can head home tomorrow morning. For now, you can find shelter for the night at the night. I am heading there too. I can take you along with me," he peered down at me. He was trying to figure me out. Hah, good luck with that buddy.

Shaken by my previous encounter with those scoundrels I was apprehensive of his offer and refused. He hesitantly nodded his compliance with my wishes and left me alone. I let him get a headstart and followed after few minutes later.

No one would accuse me of being a wilderness fan and yet I noticed the signs he left along the way to make sure I did not get lost. Besides the print left by his shoes, broken twigs, and disturbed leaf piles guided me on the marked trail. Also, I could see him stop frequently and turn around to check if I was following. I could have speed-walked the last few meters to catch up to him, after all, we were on the same path to the same distance, but the tall gates of the castle soon came into view. He walked in through the main doors and I retraced the path to the kitchen.

By the time I had reached the main entrance of the castle, I had concluded that the door I had opened earlier in the day must have led to a staircase from which I had fallen. I was either lying at the foot of the steps bleeding and soon to be dead or I was in a hospital bed. Either way I was not conscious of my body and my past obsession with the castle had taken me to this scenario. Nothing was real and this was a way of my mind to protect me from the pain.

I decided I could take it. So far nothing drastic had happened and I could grow to enjoy this little escapade in my mind. Even though it meant my impending death was looming over me. I would surely wake up soon in the hospital bed. Until then I would go with the flow.

Worries assured I headed towards the back entrance of the castle. On the way, I was again greeted by the stable boy. He eagerly smiled at me and offered to give me company on my walk back to the kitchen.

I guessed that we must have been friends. Funny I did not have many male friends in real life. My subconscious was working overtime to make up for lost time. He tried to carry a small talk about an incident that took place in the morning. But as I was absent during the said incident I chose to give safe and neutral answers.

As we turned around a corner, I saw Isha hanging clothes on the clothesline. Noticing me she hurried over and grabbed my arm as if without her anchoring me to her I would vanish into thin air. My arms surely would end up bruised by the end of the day.

"What is up with you today? Vanishing all the time. I am afraid if I do not hold on to you you will be gone again." Yep, guessed that right. It was almost as if she was read my mind. Because it was all happening in my mind.

"Nuh, huh. I am not going anywhere. I am here to enjoy my stay." I gave her a big grin while she shook her head hopelessly.

We returned to the kitchen and then she dragged me into another adjacent small room, which I had failed to notice earlier. All the other women who were cooking before had gathered there, as well as some men and children.

The stable boy was greeted very enthusiastically by a group of boys. They must be his friends. Though they wouldn't have been older than twenty-one they had a manly look on them with broad shoulders and well-built bodies. They were jovial as they laughed and joked around. Kabir, that was the name of the stable boy, looked the youngest of them. As I was observing their interaction he gazed over his shoulder and gave me a small grin. I waved back at him. He was a good guy.

"You and Kabir have been friendly with each other? When would you be making it formal?" Isha sneaked up on me and asked curiously.

Before I could answer, a table was brought in and placed. The cooks had plates full of food in their hands, which they placed on the wooden table. There were many dishes like rotis, potato curry, rice, and daal. The aroma wafting through the air acted like a beacon to my hungry stomach.

"Maitri! What are you doing there? Come I have already set aside a plate for you with all your favorite dishes."

I turned towards a white-haired woman sitting at the corner of the room. Wrinkles decorated her face and yet she had a very radiant smile. She must be someone's grandmother, Nani.

Relieved, I gave her a big smile as I moved towards her. I would not starve at least. Some sat at the table but most had broken into groups and were sitting on the floor. There was a great deal of noise and commotion in the air. Looking at all the animated conversations around me lifted my heart too.

After the meal, we all retired to our beds. It was not a traditional bed but rather a mattress on the floor. I kneeled down with great reluctance and checked all around for insects and rodents. I never knew I was a glutton for punishment. That night I slept completely under the sheet.

Isha slept next to me. She wished me good night and squeezed my hand before blowing out the candle between us.

Author's Corner:

Entry of a new character. I was thinking of giving this knight in shining armor more screen time. What are your thoughts on it?

Which dishes do you think Maitri had for dinner?

Vote if you think the stranger Maitri met in the woods will have a large part in determining her fate!

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