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TRIGGER WARNING: The following chapter contains physical assault against women.  Please avoid the section, if it is a trigger. Please free to post questions and queries before proceeding with this chapter.

I did not get to sleep even after I slipped into bed last night. My mind was racing.  I could no longer let things happen. If I ever had a chance to get what I wanted I needed to do something and fight for it. However, I was a bit uncertain about what I wanted. 

The baby too refused to settle down and his kicks were extra strong throughout the night. 

So I was a bit drowsy when I followed everyone else as we gathered on the palace grounds in front of the balcony meant for the king to greet the masses. I was busy yawning into my open palm when Inder appeared above us.

"My greetings to all who have gathered here. I thank you all for taking the time to gather here. One of the times you all were here was for the announcement of my father's marriage. Today's reason is also somewhat similar. Only it is my marriage to the eldest daughter Yodha of King Rawat."

That woke me up quickly.

Was there an actual sound in the air or were my ears ringing? He possibly could not have said that, right? But the look of joy and elation of the people surrounding me confirmed my fears. He took it a step further. Actually steps further. He walked a kilometer. The rogue was professing his love just last night. I might have seethed too loudly and made a sound because the others turned their gaze at me. I gave a weak smile and went in search of a seat.

I did not trust my feet to hold me. I went to the side, near the stairs but kept Inder within my line of eyesight. 

"It is to take place on the fifth sunrise from today's. Following which we will return to have my coronation and I will introduce you all to your new queen."

He got down the balcony and crossed me but never acknowledged me nor did he ever spare me a glance. I would know otherwise because my gaze was fixed on him. However, I knew that it was not fair for me to ask for more.

I had treated him horribly last night. At no fault of his, I rejected him multiple times. All because I was too scared. Scared of the uncertainty. From where I was at, all I saw was dense fog. I did not know if I should stay put or take a step forward. And the wrong move would cost me my life. 

Walking this path blindly had done me no good till now. I needed to get to the only people in this time that could help me.

Inder was safe and set for life. He was aware of the dangers in his life and had made sure to protect himself and those around him. Isha and the others knew nothing about the baby so they would not be harmed by Veer. Though botched, my work here was done. One last thing that remained was to deliver this kid to safety and head back to the 21st century.

It was time for me to go. 

Inder being Inder had invited all of the staff and promised the villagers a celebration as well. I did not know if he was doing so due to his goodwill or if he just wanted to stick to me and make me watch what I had basically demanded of him last night.

Even though the sound of my heart breaking made it difficult to form a solid thought, I could admit that I was proud of what Inder had just done. If I had been in his place, with my clogged throat and tear-filled eyes, I would have never been able to do it. 

As he started to get back to his room, I caught up to him. I was not sure when could I catch him next so I needed to let him know about the next step of the plan.

"Inder! A moment please." I made the mistake of looking into his pained eyes and almost lost my voice for a second. 

"T-Travle on a separate route. Your brother will surely not leave that chance. However, be on guard and ask your men to be around but out of sight. Carry your weapons and also wear a bullet-proof jacket or a sword-proof." Imagining Inder in danger was making it difficult to breathe.  I was scared. "Just be careful."

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