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My savior showed me concern initially but as soon as he realised who I was, it turned to a scowl.

"You again? And in my chambers! How did you enter?" he demanded, outrage making his eyes shine. He looked at me as if I was some stalker

He would have received another of my infamous snarky responses if I had not been so flabbergasted. Gone was the beard and long locks. I could clearly gaze into his green eyes set below a well-defined forehead. He had a straight nose with a more than decent jawline. Moreover, he was Inder from the book. And his name escaped my lips in a dazed whisper, "Inder."

He frowned at this and asked, "Why are you saying my given name?". His harsh tone reminded me of my place in this time along with the possible punishments that Isha had so painstakingly explained to me. I quickly bowed and asked for forgiveness.

"I apologize, my lord. I was told you are not to return till tomorrow dawn, so I was sent to tidy up this room. I will umm get out of your hair now."

Flustered over what I said in the last line, hoping he did not question it, I almost overlooked the cut on his bleeding barely stopped by an over-soaked rag. Concerned, I quickly tore off a strip from the pillow cover to tie it around his cut. After tying the knot I risked a look at his face. I immediately winced. There I went again. He was definitely angry over his pillow cover being ruined.

I quickly offered mine to appease him but to my horror, his frown deepened and I tried to backtrack by suggesting a cut in my wages to make up for the damage. Still getting no response, I relented, "Fine, I will miss a meal, even two. Now please remove that frown from your face."

 Despite it being him who was injured, I was the one haggard scrambling for ways to secure mine and Isha's position.

At my final offer, his face relaxed a bit, a very tiny bit and he said, "No need for you to miss your meals. You are thin enough." Well aware of my figure I shot him a look at his blatant lie.

"So you came back early because of that?" I nodded towards his injured hand. Before his reply could come the door burst open with Isha rushing towards us, rather only me as her eyes were set upon me.

"You are still here? I hope you are finished because I just heard-" As Inder cleared his throat noisily, Isha abruptly stopped her trite and quickly bowed.

"I am sorry, my lord. I was unaware of your presence." She shot a clear look of concern at his injury but did not raise any further questions. Yet at her curious look Inder surprisingly enough explained, "Yeah I cut myself on the girdle, a beginner's mistake."

I had not expected such a kind explanation from him and could not move my gaze away from his face. I could not believe my Inder was real and not just a story that someone had cooked up over the years. The uncanny resemblance stupefied me and his green eyes refused to release me as their prisoner. In all these emotions I missed moving away at the appropriate time, leading Isha to take me by arm towards the door. 

Despite him sparing very brief glances towards me since the time Isha entered the room, I could feel his undivided attention on my retreating form. Realization struck me that he probably was looking at the crumpled-up part of my dress which he grabbed hold of to save me, I surreptitiously ran a hand along my back to fold back any creases. As we turned around the corner, I supposed, I heard a very faint guffaw.

Later when we reached the kitchen, Isha scolded my ear off for being alone with Inder. Apparently, it could not have been odd if it was only us, but with the guests and the talks of his marriage, it was not appropriate.

At that time I felt so out of place. I had gone over a few days without making a mess and was proud of my accomplishment. Every action or word out of my mouth just managed to create more problems. If this continued any longer I would soon be committed to a mental asylum long before I could make it back to my time. Overwhelmed with a sudden urge to cry I walked out of the kitchen. I had to find some safe place where no one could witness my breakdown. The trees in the distance looked perfect, so I walked towards the forest.

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