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CONTENT WARNING: This chapter has descriptions of sexual assault. Please practice advisory caution. Please free to post questions and queries before proceeding with this chapter.

A fair was never set up without an occasion and yet Inder had managed to pull one off in the middle of the winter. All of us wondered about the off-season, impromptu fair that was taking surreptitiously close to the palace grounds.

But I was privy to the truth. It was all a part of his plan. After that heartfelt apology session at the staff dining room, he went above and beyond for everyone he had wronged. Brought new clothes for all the guards, had flowers delivered to every female staff of the house, visited the temple with Nani, brought new toys for Laksh

All of them received his overflowing attention, all except me. I was aware that he was compiling with my wishes. Get forgiveness from others first. And yet I could not help but feel neglected, seeing him around so much.

I could not escape talks of him even when he was

"What's so much there to talk about him? He is yet another entitled royal member who puts themselves above all, especially his staff. He hardly deserves all our attention."

Each and every word of mine was in contrast to the character of Inder we all knew. They knew it. I knew it. I ignored all of their fallen jaws and wide eyes and hid beneath my covers.

I was at my wit's end.

My sullen mood must have been obvious to everybody as the people around me became more attentive towards me. Nani made sure to make the dishes I had praised her for. She prepared two large jars of pickles that I was positively obsessed over. Isha replaced my mattress with a comfier one and provided me with a thicker blanket. The nights could get frigid and I could often be heard chattering away.

Laksh offered to accompany me to the pond, often carrying the baskets of clothes or utensils that needed to be washed. Kabir trimmed the jasmine bush outside the kitchen and placed the extra branches in our common area.

But all their efforts would not negate the fact I did not belong amongst them. With recurring nightmares, it was over a fortnight since I had peaceful sleep. Images of a dying Inder or burning castle would often wake me up. Some nights I would dream of my dad, of my days in the present. The silent tears from those dreams rolled down to my pillow as I did my best to suppress my whimpers.

I had to find a way out of here.

Inder's idea of a fair may have arisen from a need to provide us with entertainment but I had ulterior motives. I have been looking for an opportunity to visit the village since my discovery. Only one kind of person could help me now.

My day did not go as planned. From the moment we stepped into the fairground I was flanked by two or people. Sometimes it would be Isha and Nani dragging me to admire some jewelry, sometimes it would be Laksh who wanted to show me his new toy.

I enjoyed their attention and love, but could not help but cast quick glances towards the gypsy settlement. The thought of not getting to meet them made my heart race.

They must have a midwife amongst them whom I could consult. I had even carried my share of the allowances that Inder gave us to pay her.

At one point in time, I found myself on my own. Most of them were on the Ferris wheel or dispersed between the stalls. Now was the time.

 However, my path was soon blocked by Inder. We did not say a word for a few minutes, content with staring at the other. All around us, people moved on with their lives, cries of hawkers filled the air, and kids ran around with their pinwheels. We were enclosed within our own private bubble. Taking him in, my racing mind slowed for the first time in the day.

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