Chapter 7

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The rest of the week was pretty much the same

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The rest of the week was pretty much the same. Go to bed early, wake up for work, come home, take a nap, then straight to the gym. I was getting a bit used to the gym lifestyle. I was eating better and keeping up with all the workouts.

Throughout the week it was gradually getting easier to keep with with Giovanni and all the new things he would add to the mix. He was a great trainer and really professional. Ever since our first session he never once let his professionalism slip.

There were times we would work out and I found him checking me out. Usually licking his lips while eyeing me from head to know. I would kill to know what was going on in his mind.

I was still very much attracted to him too, but I never let that get in the way of our sessions. I would gawk and gaze at him when he wasn't looking but during our sessions I was all in on my fitness.

I can't say I'm not disappointed though, other than calling me princess he hasn't made any moves towards me like when we first started but I guess that's his way of trying to make me feel comfortable.

He did save me though. During the week I had the pleasure of meeting Troy and let's say he was very flirtatious. I had a feeling if he were my trainer he wouldn't have kept up his professionalism.

I was currently in the middle of my workout with Giovanni. It's my last day of the week and our workout was coming to an end.

"Okay last one for the day and we're done until next week." Giovanni says getting into position for our last workout.

Once we were done I grabbed my water and downed it. I was pretty tired after today's workout and I so badly wanted to go home and rest. After our first workout on Monday my body started feeling it the next day. My muscles were very sore but I welcomed the feeling because it makes me feel like my work is being paid off.

After this I had to run home to see Kaia, she called earlier saying she had an emergency and she wanted to speak to me urgently. I hope everything is okay with her.

I walked over to Giovanni to tell him I was leaving but his attention was already on me.

"This week was really great Gio, thanks for being patient with me." I smiled up at him. His eyes went dark for a moment but he didn't say anything until after about 10 seconds.

"You did really good this week Yasmine, you kept up really well."

"I mean I did tell you I had a spectacular trainer." I smirked.

"Is that right? Well I'm positive he thinks you're spectacular too." He says slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"I sure hope so," I said looking down. "Well, I'll see you next week for our upcoming sessions." I said walking towards the door.

"I'll walk you out." He says opening the door for me.

This kinda became our everyday thing. After every session he would walk me out the gym and to my vehicle. To him it was a simple gesture but to me it was very sweet and thoughtful. When I made it to my car, I was about to say bye and get in but Gio placed a chaste kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight princess, text me when you're home safe." He said.

I was too shocked to say anything so I stood there staring at him and just nodded. He smiled and walked off.

His lips felt so soft against my cheek. I just wanted to melt into the ground. He told me to let him know when I was home safe. He never did that before.

I drove home with the biggest smile on my face. I was grinning all the way up to my apartment.

"Why do you look like the Cheshire Cat?" Kaia speaks up and I almost had a heart attack.

"You fuck! You scared me bitch." I held my hand over my chest.

"I mean I told you I was here, it's not my fault." She shrugs.

"What's the emergency you had?" I asked.

"So you know how you're my favorite person in the whole entire world?" She starts and I just knew she wanted something from me.

"What do you want?" I asked, taking off my shoes.

"Macy and I are going to hang out tomorrow,"

"And?" I prodded.

"She wants me to meet her brother and I told her you would come with us to keep him company so he wouldn't feel like a third wheel." She rushed out, smiling innocently at me.

"No," I said simply.

"Come on Yas please, I don't ask you for much." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Kai you ask for a lot." I replied.

"Okay true, but I won't ask for anymore favors after this one," She said.

That's a lie.

"Fine!" I reluctantly agreed.

"You're the best."

After I showered, I cooked and we watched tv.

"So, how was your first week with mister trainer?" Kaia asks.

"I'm gonna stick with him because other than the fact that I want to have sex with him, he's really great. He's a really good trainer. He's really professional and he keeps me focused. He gave me a kiss on the cheek today and told me to text him when I got home. Oh shit!"

Damn it! I forgot to text him, I grabbed my phone really quickly and sent him a quick text.

'I made it home safely :)'

"You can't tell me that man doesn't want you Yasmine," Kaia speaks up.

"Shut up he was just being nice."

'Sleep well princess 😉 '

'You too'

"Look at you, all smiling and shit." Kaia says.

"I'm this close to kicking you out," I said putting my thumb and index finger close to each other.

"You love me," She sticks her tongue out at me.

"Unfortunately," I said playfully rolling my eyes. "So, what's Macy's brother like?"

"I'm meeting him for the first time tomorrow Yas," She deadpanned. "But she did show me a picture and he's really hot, I think you'll like him. If nothing happens between you and your trainer you can climb Macy's brother instead."

"You are a bad influence," I said to her shaking my head.

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