Chapter 8

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It was now Monday in the afternoon

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It was now Monday in the afternoon. Apparently something had came up and Macy had to reschedule the hangout for today. Kaia really wanted me to come so I have to cancel on Giovanni.

'Hey, something came up and I won't be able to make today's session but I'll be there tomorrow and the rest of the week.'

He responded immediately.

'That's fine I have some things I needed to take care of anyways' Came his reply.

Well since that's taken care of, I'm gonna go get ready. I'm a little bummed I wasn't going to see him today. I looked forward to our afternoon sessions.

Kaia sent me the address of Macy's house and when I checked GPS, I realized she lived about 30 minutes away. So if I wanted to make it in time I needed to get dressed now.

After my shower I put on a white bike shorts with the matching tube top and some white sneakers. I then put on a long beige jean jacket. I left my hair down and grabbed my belongings and the wine I had gotten at the store earlier and went to the car. I texted Kaia that I was on my way over there.

30 minutes later I pulled up to a real nice neighborhood that had beautiful houses. I pulled up to the address gave me and parked on the side of the street. I walked up to the door and knocked. A smiling Macy opens the door.

"Hi Yasmine it's been a while, come in come in." She said ushering me inside.

"Hi Macy," I walked inside and gave her a hug. I proceeded to take my shoes off at the front and placed them to the side.

"Oh you didn't have to do that, I don't mind." Macy says.

"Sorry habit," I smiled sheepishly. "Here I brought this for us." I said giving her the wine.

"Thanks Ya-" She was cut off by Kaia coming towards us.

"Is that my best friend?" She squealed and ran over to hug me.

"You saw me this morning Kaia," I laughed at her silliness.

"So? I can't be happy to see you?" She rolled her eyes.

My eyes were darting around looking for the 4th party of our hangout but I didn't see anyone.

"Oh, my brother isn't here yet but he should be here any minute now. Thanks for coming tonight and you smell really good by the way, what are you wearing?" Macy asks and I laugh.

"She does right!?" Kaia chimes in.

"Champagne toast, Dahlia, and the classic Burberry for women." I listed off all the fragrances I was wearing.

"Hm good combination." Macy said and I just had to laugh because her and Kaia are just alike.

Just as I was about to say something there was a knock on the door.

"That's my brother," Macy says opening the door.

I stepped off to the side behind the door so I couldn't see who it was until they stepped inside. When Giovanni stepped through the door, my jaw dropped. He didn't see me yet because he was hugging his sister. Macy was introducing him to Kaia and when she finally introduced me, his eyes met mine.


"Giovanni." I stated.

"Princess? Wait a minute how do you guys know each other?" Macy says and I looked over and saw her and Kaia looking between us confused.

"He's my trainer."

"I'm her trainer." Giovanni and I spoke at once.

Well this was not expected at all.

I looked over at Macy to see her smirking at her brother, I looked at Giovanni to see him giving her a warning look.

"Let's go in the living room." Macy says and we all walked towards the living room and took a seat. Giovanni sat next to me while Macy and Kaia were seated next to each other.

"This is so hilarious, so I'm dating my best friend's trainer's sister. Yea I didn't see this coming." Kaia laughs.

"So these are the two that you got into a bar brawl with?" Giovanni asks his sister and she nodded.

"You know you guys don't look alike," Kaia says looking at Macy and Gio.

"Yea, Macy looks like our mom and I look like our dad. The only thing we share is hair colors but she colored hers red." Gio says.

"I just wanted a change." Macy smirks then looks between us. I was just quiet the whole time.

We ordered food and a good conversation was flowing. As we were talking amongst ourselves and getting to know one another, I was barely saying much. Gio would often times look down at me in concern but I told him I was fine. Being this close to him on the couch was making my senses go into overdrive. He smelled so yummy and he looked so fucking good in jeans and a regular T-shirt. All his tattoos on display. A little while later the food came.

"So, Yasmine and dear brother of mine, do you guys like each other or something?" Macy smirks. Kaia sat next to her smirking and smiling. Real subtle.

"No we're just friends."

"Not for long," I hear Giovanni mutter under his breath and I snapped my neck to look at him.

As we finished eating, Macy and Kaia fell into a conversation of their own and Giovanni turns to me.

"So this is the important thing that came up?" He says looking at me.

"This is the important thing that you had to deal with?" I retort.

"Fair enough," He says "You look beautiful by the way."

"Thanks," I said. "You too,"

"I don't think beautiful is the word to describe me princess," He chuckles.

"Oh shut up, you know what I meant," I lightly tapped his arm

"Hmm do I princess?"

"Yes Gio," I smiled at him. His eyes went dark.

"I love when you call me Gio," He smiles at me. I'm starting to really love his smile. I rarely see it but when I do, boy I would do anything to see him do it again.

"I mean that's your name right?" I said to him.

"Yea but it sounds more enticing when it comes from your pretty mouth." He says and his eyes flicker down to them before he looked back into my eyes.

"Hm how so?" I questioned.

I started feeling hot all of a sudden. His presence affected me so much. I had to squeeze my thighs together to make my lower area relax a bit. It was hard though because he kept looking at me like he wanted to devour me.

"Maybe because everything about you intrigue me," He says moving closer towards me in the couch his hand slung over the back of it. I looked around and saw that Kaia and Macy had moved to the kitchen.

"I'm just a regular person Gio," I replied.

"Not to me," He says his eyes still flickering to my lips. "You're so beautiful." He says before he crashed his lips against mine.

I was shocked at first but I started kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. A small moan escaped my lips and I pulled away.

"So sweet," Gio says pulling me closer to his side, wrapping his arms around me then kissed my forehead. "You smell so good, what are you wearing?" He asked and I laughed.

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